Is the information about the creation given in the Quran a miracle?
Submitted by on Sat, 20/06/2020 - 11:22
Dear Brother / Sister,
5.1.4- The Miracle of Creation in the Quran
No book other than the Quran mentioned fertilization in the form and content that modern medicine explained before the microscope was developed and the creation and development phases of the fetus were determined.
The strongest of the scientific theories related to the development of the fetus is the theory of “dwarf fetus”.1
It used to be thought that the fetus developed like a small tree coming out of a seed and that the only difference between its first state and the last state was a difference of growth until 1940’s, when microscope, which was invented in the 17th century, reached its advanced state.2
Before the discovery of devices that display stages of the formation and development of the fertilized egg, one of the important controversies of the medical authorities was whether man was created from the male’s sperm or from the female’s menstrual blood.
On the other hand, modern Medicine states that the development of the fetus in the womb does not take place in one phase and that it passes through different stages before it reaches the stage of birth. Accordingly, the fetus is created from the menstrual blood. The spermhas adutylikethe yeast’s turning milk into cheese. Just like the yeast’s transforming milk into cheese, the sperm does not have any other function than fertilizing the fetus. Until 1775, however, no physician whose knowledge was trusted in the West said that the fetus was the result of the encounter of the male’s sperm with the female’s egg.3
No book other than the Quran mentioned fertilization in the form and content that modern medicine explained before the microscope was developed and the creation and development phases of the fetus were determined.
Fourteen centuries ago, the Quran rejected both views related to creation and stated that man was created from a mixture of a man’s sperm and a woman’s egg.4
At a time when it was accepted that man grew up unchanged in the woman’s womb like a “dwarf tree’, the Quran stated that the fetus was created by passing from one stage to another.5
When Abdulmajid Zindani told E. Marshall Johnson, the Professor of Anatomy from USA in a session, that the Quran states that the fetus was created through certain stages, not in a moment, the American scientist said, “This cannot be true.” Then the following conversation took place between the two: Zindani:
- It is a knownfact that the Quran statedin the 7th century that manwas created by passing through different stages in the womb.
- No! That cannot be true.
- Why do you say it is impossible? The verses of the Quran regarding the issue are very clear; “He makes you, in the wombs of your mothers, in stages, one after another, in three veils of darkness.”6; “What is the matter with you, that ye place not your hope for kindness and long-suffering in Allah,- Seeing that it is He that has created you in diverse stages?.”7
Shaken by hearing those verses, the American scientist though for a while and said, “There are three possibilities here.” Then, he added the following:
1. Muhammad, who said that the fetus was created in stages, must have had a high-tech microscope or imaging device. Hemust have done research on the fetus by using that device and reached the results that no one knew, and gave us this information.
2.This information is included in the Quran coincidentally.
3. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
AbdulmajidZindani argued with the American scientist about the possibilities one by one, and finally the American scientist had to accept the miracle of the Quran.
The following can be said about the first possibility:
In the century when the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) lived, people did not have the industrial infrastructure necessary for the construction of a magnifying glass or a microscope. Neither Rome nor Iran had any technological infrastructure to produce a microscope. Accordingly, it was impossible for the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) to examine the developments of the fetus in the womb in a laboratory and to determine the stages and then share them with people.
It cannot be a coincidence that the Quran mentions the stages of the fetus because the Quran mentions in several verses, not in one verse, the stages of fetus concisely or in detail.The explanation of the issue in several verses cannot be a coincidence.
After Zindani read and explained the verses mentioning the stages the fetus undergoes in the womb, the American scientist had to admit that the claim that the information in the Quran may have been a coincidence was untrue. Johnson accepted the third possibility that the only point of reference to the information related to creation in the Quran was revelation coming from heavens.8
1.Abdurrahim Khayrullahash-Sharif, Shubuhat Hawla Marahilil-Janin,
2.See Nayif Munir Faris, al-I’jazul-Ilmi fil-Quraniwas-Sunnah, MaktabatuIbn Kathir, Kuwayt, 2011, I, 212.
3.See., 2.
5.Nuh, 13-14., 6.
7.Nuh, 13-14.
8.Nayif Munir, ibid, I, 213.
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