How many ayahs can the imam read the most while performing salah in congregation?

The Details of the Question
How many ayahs can the imam read the most while performing salah in congregation?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

The imam must avoid the things that may cause hatred in at the congregation. It is not appropriate for the imam to prolong reading the Quran or prayers so much as to bore the congregation. Here, he must find the minimum level of sunnah sufficient. For, to prolong reading give weariness to the congregation, and this is makruh.

The thawab of performing salah in congregation is great. It is not convenient to deprive others from this thawab. It is not makruh to prolong the reading if the congregation is willing

However, it is makruh for the imam hurry so much as not to give the congregation enough time to complete ruku and sajdah dhikrs and tashahhud in accordance with the sunnah.

It is also makruh for the imam to prolong ruku for the congregation to catch up.

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