How did Khalid bin Said become a Muslim and what kind of tortures were inflicted upon him?
Submitted by on Mon, 23/01/2017 - 12:33
Dear Brother / Sister,
The era of secret call to Islam was continuing.
During this period, another eminent figure from the Quraysh joined the ranks of Muslims: Khalid bin Said. Hazrat Khalid was a leading figure of the Quraysh and belonged to a rich family.
One night, Khalid bin Said, who had extensive knowledge of Arab literature, saw in his dream that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) rushed to save him when his father wanted to throw him into the pits of Hell.
He woke up screaming. Hazrat Khalid understood that such a clear dream could not be meaningless. He said, “By Allah, this dream is true”, and without losing time, he quickly ran to Hazrat Abu Bakr.
Hazrat Abu Bakr said,
“I hope the best for you. The Messenger of Allah is going to save you. Quickly go and subject yourself to him! You are going to follow him, convert to Islam, and then be with him. And he is going to save you from falling into Hell as you saw in your dream.”
Hazrat Khalid quickly went to our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and asked, “Oh Muhammad! What do you call people to do?”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “I call people to believe in Allah, who is One and does not have a partner, to believe that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, and to forgo worshipping certain pieces of rock that cannot hear, cannot see, cannot benefit nor harm, and are unaware of those who worship and who do not worship them.”
Hazrat Khalid carefully listened to these words with respect and immediately recited the testimony of faith (shahada): “I testify that you are Allah’s Messenger!”1
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was immensely happy that this individual had entered the circle of Islam.
Hazrat Khalid began to mention Islam to other people in his family and around as soon as he became Muslim. A while later, his wife Umayna, also joined the ranks of Muslims.
When Abu Uhayha, one of Quraysh’s leading and wealthy figures, heard that his son had become a Muslim, he became exceedingly furious. One day, he heard that Hazrat Khalid was praying (performing salah) on a desolate spot in Mecca. He sent his other sons to bring Hazrat Khalid before him and angrily said,
“So, you have chosen to follow Muhammad despite seeing that he opposes your tribe and he has insulted the tribe’s gods and its past fathers, is that right?”
Afterwards, he said many things so that Hazrat Khalid would abstain from practicing Islam. However, Hazrat Khalid, whose heart had been enlightened with the light of faith, did not have the slightest hesitation and did not feel any regret. He responded to his father who looked at him with his frowning brows:
“By Allah, Muhammad (PBUH) tells the truth. I have subjected myself to him and will run the risk of death; however, I will never leave his religion.”
Abu Uhayha, who was severely angered by these words, hit his son with the staff that he was holding until it broke. However, his efforts were in vain! The faith that was a source of strength and perseverance had occupied and comforted Hazrat Khalid’s heart. Torture and persecution did not invoke the slightest amount of negativity in the face of this faith.
When his cruel father saw that beating him was in no way effective, he told him to “go” and said, “I am going to cut off your sustenance and livelihood; so, go wherever you please.”
Hazrat Khalid knew that Allah was the One that provided for his livelihood; so once again, he did not mind his father’s words. Instead, he said, “Oh my dear father, if you cut off my livelihood then Allah will provide me with all that is necessary to get by.”
This time, Uhayha imprisoned him and threatened the community:
“If one of you decides to speak with him, I will ruin you.”
Hazrat Khalid was left hungry and thirsty for days on end. 2
It was pointless to continue living with a father who committed such torture and cruelty on account of his son’s religion; so, upon finding an opportunity, he was able to escape from his father’s hands. He did not come into his father’s sight until the second emigration to Abyssinia. 3
Together, with his wife, he joined the procession that departed from Mecca to Abyssinia.
Hazrat Khalid was among the scribes that could write perfectly during the Age of Ignorance. According to a narration, Hazrat Khalid was the scribe of the letter that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) had sent to the King of Yemen and of many other treaties. 4
1. Ibn Sa'd, Tabaqat: 4/94; Ibn Hajar, Isaba: 1/406
2. Ibn Sa'd, Tabaqat: 4/95
3. Ibn Sa'd, Tabaqat: 4/95; Halabi, Insanu'l-Uyun: 1/282
4. Ibn Sa'd, Tabaqat: 1/262; Ibni Abdi'l-Barr, Istiab: 2/421
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