How can we understand that Allah is pleased with us? How can we understand now, when we are alive, our degree in the eye of Allah and whether we are good or bad slaves?

The Details of the Question

How can we understand that Allah is pleased with us? How can we understand now, when we are alive, our degree in the eye of Allah and whether we are good or bad slaves?

The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

To be loyal means to live in a way that Allah is pleased with. To love Allah and to know He is pleased with us is something abstract; therefore, it is difficult to understand. A person may say, "I love Allah." However, this expresses a feeling in us; we need to show it.

On the other hand, is Allah pleased with us? What kind of slaves are we in His eye? These questions are issues that are difficult to understand. There must be a way to understand them.

In the following verse, Allah informs us the way of understanding whether we love Allah and whether He is pleased with us: 

“Say (O Muhammad!): 'If ye do love Allah, follow me: Allah will love you and forgive you your sins; for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.'" (Aal-i Imran, 3/31)

As it can be seen, the indication of loving Allah is to practice Islam by following the Prophet.  If we live by following the Prophet, we can say that Allah loves us as a result. 

How is it understood that you love your father and mother? If we do what they want and abandon what they are not pleased with, it is understood that we love them. Even if they do not tell us, we can understand that they love us. If we say we do not do what they want but we love them, nobody will believe us. 

That is, Allah created the Prophet as a model and showed the best examples in him. He told us in the Quran to love the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), whom He sent to us, if we loved Him, and added that He would love us if we did so. 

To sum up, the indication that Allah loves us is how much we resemble Hz. Muhammad (pbuh). We can decide accordingly.

The road map for us, you and the whole humanity is the Quran and the Sunnah; we cannot advise anything else to you. That is, to accept the Quran and the Messenger of Allah as our guide, to act in accordance with them and to read books about belief by meditating. That is, if you find the Quran and books about belief or if you come together with people who meditate and negotiate these issues, it will be useful for both your world and hereafter.

If you perform prayers on time, avoid major sins and glorify Allah after performing prayers, you will improve yourself.

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