How can the hadiths stating that women have a fluid be explained scientifically?
- I ask you to read all of my questions and answer accordingly, please, I am waiting for an answer:
Hadith: (Muslim, hadith no: 469) Since it is very long, I will write it in summary; A woman came to the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and asked if she should make ghusl because she saw a fluid when she woke up from sleep. The Messenger of Allah said, “Yes, if you saw the fluid, make ghusl. Aisha was surprised by the question of the woman and asked the Messenger of Allah if there was such a thing, that is, if women had a fluid. The Messenger of Allah said, “Yes. Otherwise, how is it that the child resembles the mother? There is no doubt that a man’s fluid is a thick white liquid. The woman’s fluid is a thin yellow liquid. Whichever of the two fluids is superior to the other, the child that will be born will resemble that party.”
- According to medical science, women do not have semen, and the fluid that flows from women is a process of the vagina’s cleansing itself; it is usually yellow, brown, green and white in color, depending on the disease conditions in women.
- Besides, as you know, the male sperm fertilizes the ovum and the cells in them form the resemblance to the parents.
- However, the implication of the hadith is that the fluid that flows out of the female body merges with the male semen and that is where the resemblance comes from. Nevertheless, it is not like that, as I have mentioned above. (This hadith is a sound hadith reported from Aisha (ra)).
Hadith 2: Due to the lack of medical knowledge in their time, scholars understood this hadith as follows: Whichever of the fluids enters the womb first. Suyuti reported the following from Ibn Abdilbarr as evidence for it:
“ Whichever of the two nutfahs enters the womb first will prevail in terms of resemblance.”
- In this hadith, it is as if the fluid of the man and the fluid of the woman are in competition and whichever one enters the womb first will cause the child to resemble the parent, but there is no such thing, as I have explained to you above about fertilization and resemblance..
- I cannot explain these hadiths; will you please help me?
Submitted by on Fri, 17/11/2023 - 11:27
Dear Brother / Sister,
According to the current knowledge, there are three secretions in a woman’s semen.
First: When the egg hatches, that is, when the egg is expelled from the ovary, the fluid that facilitates this movement. This fluid enables the egg to be expelled.
Second: The fluid that has the duty of carrying the fertilized or unfertilized egg through the tubes.
Third: The fluid that has the duty of carrying the semen to the egg in the place where the uterus and vagina unite.
There are also glands at the entrance to the vagina that secrete a bilateral fluid to provide lubrication. This vaginal secretion has nothing to do with reproduction.
There are sperm sacs where sperm are produced in men. These cells in which sperm are produced are called sporangium or gametangium. Their chromosome number is 46, as in other normal cells. Within these cells, spermatozoa with half the number of chromosomes, i.e., 23, are produced. These sperms are expelled from the sporangia with a liquid called semen. Men have to make ghusl when they are expelled.
In women, the cells from which eggs are produced are called gametangium. These cells have 46 chromosomes, just like normal body cells. Within these gametangia, eggs with half the number of chromosomes, i.e., 23, are created. They are called gametes. These eggs are expelled from the gametangia in a fluid called the oviduct. Just like the sperms are expelled with semen in men, a fluid is in question here.
That is what the Prophet (pbuh) indicated when he said, “When you see a fluid, make ghusl” upon a woman’s question
As for the issue of how much the child will resemble whom, the science of genetics states that 25% of the child will resemble the mother, 25% the father, 25% the grandmother and 25% the grandfather.
The probability of whether the child will be a girl or a boy is expressed as fifty percent in the science of genetics.
One point draws our attention here. As it is known, the chromosomes determining the sex of a woman are XX and those of a man are XY.
Parents : Man Woman
Genetic Structures : XX XY
Gametes : XX XY
Child’s Gender : XX (%50) XY (%50)
Girl Boy
In genetics, the chances of the child being a boy or a girl are 50-50, as it is seen here. However, it is possible that the woman may attract the X chromosome in the sperm when her love and affection are superior. In that case, the woman’s superior love causes the child to be born to become a girl.
It is possible to understand from the Prophet’s (pbuh) statement “Whichever of the two fluids is superior to the other, the child that will be born will resemble that party” can be interpreted as whichever of the spouses’ love is superior, the child will be of that gender.
This may naturally have other meanings, and it is a matter that requires further research. Further research might lead to the understanding of many more miraculous news given by the Prophet (pbuh).
In conclusion, it is understood that the hadiths are in line with today’s science, as they state that when the sperm of a man is expelled from the gametangia with a fluid called semen, and when the fluid of an egg that is expelled from the ovary of a woman with a fluid, ghusl becomes necessary.
It is also understood that the hadith about the child’s resemblance with the parent whose love is superior is ahead of the determination of science in these issues.
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