Have prayers been performed as the same number rak’ahs since prayers were rendered fard? I heard that prayers were performed as two rak’ahs when prayers were first rendered fard.
Submitted by on Tue, 16/10/2018 - 11:29
The Answer
Dear Brother / Sister,
The following is reported from Hz. Aisha:
"Prayers were rendered fard as two rak`ahs first; then, the number of rak’ahs of the prayers for residents were increased; prayers for travelers remained the same." (Bukhari, Salat,1; Muslim, Musafirin,1)
The following is reported from Ibn Abbas:
"Allah rendered prayers fard as four rak’ahs for residents and two rak’ahs for travelers with the expression of the Prophet." (Muslim, Musafirin, 5, 6; Abu Dawud Safar, 18; Nasai, Kawf 4; Ibn Majah Iqamah, 75)
Questions on Islam
- I have heard that the fards of daily prayers consisted of two rak'ahs and that it is sunnah to perform them as four rak'ahs. Will you give information regarding the issue?
- What are the hadiths related to sunnah/nafilah prayers and their virtues?
- Why do we need to read Subhanaka supplication when we stand up for the third rak’ah after the first sitting when we perform the sunnah prayers of the afternoon (asr) and night (isha) prayers?
- Is it permissible to perform the sunnah prayers of the afternoon and night prayers as two rak’ahs?
- Is a person who utters takbir only before the time period for a prayer ends regarded to have caught that prayer?
- Can the noon prayer be performed five minutes before the time period for the afternoon prayer starts?
- Is it permissible to perform only the fards of the daily prayers and to abandon the sunnahs?
- What should a person who forgets the number of rak’ahs he has performed or who makes a mistake about rak’ahs do?
- Is it permissible not to perform the sunnah prayers? We are sometimes very tired. They say the Prophet (pbuh) sometimes abandoned the sunnahs of the afternoon and night prayers. Is it true? How often did he abandon them?
- Did the Prophet perform tarawih prayer as eight rak’ahs?