Have prayers been performed as the same number rak’ahs since prayers were rendered fard? I heard that prayers were performed as two rak’ahs when prayers were first rendered fard.

The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

The following is reported from Hz. Aisha:

"Prayers were rendered fard as two rak`ahs first; then, the number of rak’ahs of the prayers for residents were increased; prayers for travelers remained the same." (Bukhari, Salat,1; Muslim, Musafirin,1)

The following is reported from Ibn Abbas:

"Allah rendered prayers fard as four rak’ahs for residents and two rak’ahs for travelers with the expression of the Prophet." (Muslim, Musafirin, 5, 6; Abu Dawud Safar, 18; Nasai, Kawf 4; Ibn Majah Iqamah, 75)

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