The following is stated in a hadith: "When a person does only one-tenth of what is ordered, he will be saved." How should we understand it?

The Details of the Question
According to something I read, when people abandoned one deed of worshipping out of ten, they were destroyed in the past; there will be a time when a person who does only one-tenth of what is ordered will be saved. Can the time that is mentioned be the time we live? Or, will it come soon?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) addressed his Companions as follows:

"You are in such a time that if any of you abandons one-tenth of what is ordered, he will be destroyed; then, there will be some timewhen a person who does only one-tenth of what is ordered will be saved.” (Ramuzul-Ahadith p. 136, 1753, hadith Tabarani filkabir, Ibn Adiy, Abu Hurayra)

The phrase "to do one-tenth of it" in the hadith is in terms of quality, not quantity.

That is, along with the truths of belief, it will be enough for the Muslims at the end of time to do one-tenth of the worshipping like prayer and fasting and in general practicing Islam that the Companions did in terms of quality.

Otherwise, it does not mean to perform one of the deeds of worshipping like prayer, fasting, kalima ash-shahadah, zakah and the truths of belief (for instance, to utter kalima ash-shahadah only) and to abandon others.

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