Do mistakes that are made while reading a chapter invalidate prayer? Does sajdah as-sahw become necessary if a person makes a mistake and starts to read the chapter again?
Is prayer invalidated if a person reads a letter in a word wrong while reading a chapter? Can a person return and correct a word that he has pronounced wrong? Suppose that I have started to read a chapter but it is not the chapter that I intend to read; can I stop it and read the chapter that I intend? What are the things that a person needs to be careful about in this issue?
Submitted by on Sat, 02/06/2018 - 14:58
Dear Brother / Sister,
The following is stated in the book al-Fawaid:
"The prayer of a person who makes a big mistake in reading and then who returns and corrects it is not invalidated. The prayer of a person who makes a mistake in i’rab and then who corrects it is also valid." (see Celal Yıldırım, Kaynaklarıyla İslam Fıkhı, Uysal Kitabevi: 1/285-286)
If the meaning is distorted when a mistake is made in the chapter that is read in a prayer, the prayer is invalidated; if the meaning is not distorted, the prayer is not invalidated.
If a person makes a mistake while reading an additional chapter and if he starts it again to correct it, sajdah as-sahw is not necessary. However, if he does not read an additional chapter or if he does not read it again though he has made a mistake, sajdah as-sahw becomes necessary.
If a person starts to read a verse or a chapter and if he knows it, he has to continue it; he cannot abandon it and start the chapter he has intended to read.
Questions on Islam
- Is prayer invalidated if a chapter or supplication is read wrongly; is it permissible to start reading again from the beginning?
- Sajdah as-Sahw
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- If somebody from the congregation does not follow the imam when the imam performs sajdah as-sahw, is his prayer invalidated?
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- When is Sajdah as-Sahw (prostration of forgetfulness) required? Where is it be performed?
- If I forget to recite an additional surah (chapter), will my prayer be valid?
- Does sajdah as-sahw become necessary if a person reads verses from different chapters after reading the chapter of al-Fatiha?
- Does forgetting to recite Qunut supplications in the witr prayer necessitate sajdah as-sahw?