Did the Prophet (pbuh) send his greetings to his ummah to come at the end of time?
The Details of the Question
Did the Prophet (pbuh) send his greetings to his ummah to come at the end of time?
Submitted by on Thu, 16/01/2020 - 15:23
The Answer
Dear Brother / Sister,
It is stated that the Prophet stated the following a while before his death.
"Send my greetings to my Companions who are not here. Send my greetings to the people who will follow me and my religion from my nation up to the Day of Judgment." (see Haythami, IX, 25; Ibn Sa’d, II/257; Tabari, III/192)
A person who hears or reads this narration should answer the greeting of the Prophet by saying, "Wa alaykumussalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu".
Questions on Islam
Questions on Islam
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