Can a Muslim follow Stoic philosophy?
- According to the Stoics, the main purpose of man is happiness. It is necessary to live in accordance with nature in order to achieve happiness. Therefore, they adopt the philosophy of living in accordance with nature and defend world citizenship. - Unless it is against the Quran and Sunnah of course...
Submitted by on Mon, 04/04/2022 - 11:16
Dear Brother / Sister,
Stoic philosophy is a socio-cultural result of the periods of change in which people belonging to the ancient Greek city states destroyed by Alexander I and then the Roman Empire left locality and became citizens of great empires.
This period, which started in the 3rd century BC, lasted until the 2nd century AD. The main principles and application criteria that formed its philosophy were lost under the domination of the empires within the political as well as cultural and social boundaries of the city-states.
What is sought in this period is new and more universal principles that will define the human affiliation connected to the world understanding of the empires and respond to their psycho-social needs and pursuit of happiness.
In this context, in order to overcome the painful destructiveness of changes, a cynical nihilism and skepticism or dogmatism have become widespread, as well as an understanding of happiness in harmony with nature and cosmopolitan world citizenship.
According to Islamic thought:
- It is not enough to seek happiness based on earthly criteria. The pursuit of happiness must be eternal.
- An understanding of happiness in harmony with nature is not sufficient in terms of meaning and satisfaction.
- According to the Quran, if nature is viewed as the verses (signs) of our supreme creator, only a path to human happiness can be opened.
- The universal understanding of Islam accepts that all human beings have an equality of creation brought into being by the creator.
By providing the absolute horizon line that is missing in all those pursuits, belief opens the door to eternal happiness in the worldly life that all humanity needs.
Questions on Islam
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- The Third: A comparison made between the time of the Prophet and nowadays in terms of the conditions that advance the abilities of ijtihad.
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