Can I perform the witr prayer that belongs to the night prayer as one rakat?

The Details of the Question
Can I perform the witr prayer that belongs to the night prayer as one rakat?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

The prayer of witr consists of three rakats. "Witr is right. He who wants to pray witr as five rakats can pray it so. He who wants to pray witr as three rakats can pray it so. He who wants to pray witr as one rakat can pray it so. " (Nasai, Qiyamu'l-Layl, 40; Abu Dawud, Witr, 3; Ibn Majah, Iqamah, 123).

Hazrat Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said, "Hazrat Prophet prayed witr as three rakats and recited salam." (az-Zaylai, Nasbu'r-Raya, II, 118). Ibn Umar and Ibn Abbas said, "The prayer of witr is performed at the end of the night as one rakat (Muslim, Musafirun, 153; Abu Dawud, Witr, 3 ; Nasai, Qiyamu'l-Layl, 34).

According to Hanafis, the prayer of witr is three rakats and salam is necessary at the end of it. They give the hadith narrated by Hazrat Aisha as evidence for it. According to Malikis, the prayer of witr is one rakat. Before the witr, there exists two-rakat sunnah performed after the fard of the night prayer. Salam separates them. According to Hanbalis, the prayer of witr is one rakat, too. However, it can be performed as three or more rakats as well. According to Shafiis, the prayer of witr is at least one and at most eleven rakats. If one wants to pray more than one rakat, he should intend to pray two rakats and recite salam at the end of it.  (al-Kasani, Badaiu's Sanai' Beirut, 1974, I, 270 ff.; az-Zuhayli, al-Fiqhu'l-Islami wa Adillatuhu, Damascus, 1984, I, 820).

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