Adam (AS) ands Heaven
The Details of the Question
Rasulullah (Sal) said " Allah has said that Allah has created a Heaven that no eyes have seen yet for the moomins. If it is so, then what heaven Adam (AS) and Hawwa (AS) dwelved before departing to earth? Submitted by on Tue, 17/08/2010 - 11:00
The Answer
Dear Brother / Sister,
Not only Adam (pbuh) and Eve did see Paradise but also our Prophet did in Miraj (Ascension). This statement was uttered to express the perfection of Paradise. People should not compare Paradise to worldly properties. It is far better and more beautiful than whatever we can imagine about Paradise.
Paradise means the believers’ station of bliss where blessings, which eyes have not seen and the ears have not heard and the minds cannot predict and imagine, are included.
Questions on Islam
Questions on Islam
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- Second Remark: The aspects of man that look to the world and the hereafter; the respective duties of servitude of his feelings and abilities.