What are the evidences related to the existence of the hereafter?

There are a lot of evidences related to the existence of the hereafter. The earth is one of them. 

“Then contemplate (O man!) the tokens of Allah's Mercy! How He gives life to the earth after its death: verily the Same will give life to the men who are dead: for He has power over all things.”(ar-Rum, 30/50)

With the verse above, we are given examples from the incidents that we see with our own eyes and the issue is made easier for us to understand.

Spring comes after very winter. Are billions of plants and animals that die in fall and remain still in winter and that are resurrected in spring not the best examples of life after death? The number of living beings resurrected in spring in one year is thousands of times bigger than all of the human beings that lived beginning from the time of Hz. Adam, the first man, to the Doomsday. The number of all human beings is not equal to the number of flies created in spring in one year.   

Every year, three hundred thousand species of plants and animals are resurrected. Each species has billions of individuals. The fly is only one species out of three hundred thousand species. Then, three hundred times as much living beings as all human beings are resurrected in spring in one year. They all take place before our eyes.    

The spirit programs of the plants that die in fall every year are placed into their seeds and kept there every year. In spring, the plants wake as they are released to the soil. Allah, who keeps the spirit program of a simple creature in its seeds, definitely keeps the spirit of man, who is His most valuable creature, and resurrects him in the ground of the Gathering Place.  

The seed that goes into the ground decays and is broken into parts but it forms the first step of a new life, of resurrection. Similarly, when the human body that is put into the ground when he dies, the beginning of a new life starts as it decays. Allah, who has the power to do anything, who resurrects billions of living beings in spring as easily as awakening people who are asleep, will definitely awaken all people in the Day of Resurrection. Since He promised to do it, he is able to keep His promise.

Then, the existence of the hereafter and resurrection is more definite than the advent of the next spring and tomorrow morning. The Being that is able to create today is definitely able to create tomorrow. The Being that creates the plants and animals that we see this year is definitely able to resurrect them in another spring. Though the cells of human body are transferred to other beings and function there, the cells of all human beings will be created again on the Day of Resurrection.   

The wish of existing eternally that we inherently have and the wish of never being non-existent are evidences of the existence of the hereafter.Allah gave us water to meet the need of the feeling of thirst that He gave us; He created the sustenance that we can eat since he created the feeling of hunger inherent in us. It is Allah who created the feeling of not being satisfied with this life and the wish of living eternally, that is, being in need of the hereafter in man. Allah, who gives us water to meet the feeling of thirst and food to meet the need of hunger, will definitely create the hereafter to meet our feeling of living eternally. If Allah had not wanted to give them to us, He would not have given us the feeling of wanting. Since Allah makes us want the hereafter, He will definitely give it to us.

Man, who experiences sleep, which is the younger brother of death, every night and who wakes up every morning as if he is resurrected, virtually watches the signs of the Day of Judgment and Resurrection.  

“However reasonable and necessary and certain the morning of this night is, the Morning of the Resurrection and the spring following the Intermediate Realm are that certain.” (Sözler (Words))

The rays of that life always signal to us. However, what matters is to accept it before going there and to watch the sun before it starts to rise. Is it of any significance to accept the existence of the sun after it rises? One light of that sun is in the world of our spirit: the wish to live eternally. Badiuzzaman Said Nursi expresses that this wish is an evidence for the existence of the hereafter as follows:  

“(If He had not wanted to give, He would not have given us the feeling of wanting.)Yes, if the Being that created us had not wanted us to watch this world, would He have equipped us with eyes in the uterus? Would He have given us ears if He had not wanted us to hear these wonderful sounds? Yes, the biggest evidence for the existence of the hereafter if the wish of "living eternally" placed in the spirit of man."

“But seek, with the (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on thee, the Home of the Hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this world...” (al-Qasas, 28/77)

A person who wants what is low and mean throughout his life, who gets used to low and mean things and who pursues mean things will not be able to look for the hereafter. Lofty ideals, supreme attributes and high ethics are gradually deleted from his spirit. There is also a state that is opposite. As a person makes progress in belief, he wants to meet his Lord more. As he sends more capital to the hereafter, he starts to want to reach there more. A student who thinks of his future and the ranks he will attain does not pay much attention to the yard, classrooms, café and desks of the school very much; similarly, such a person's love of this world gradually decreases in his heart. No sane person regards it possible that life starts and ends in this world.

“Do they not reflect in their own minds? Not but for just ends and for a term appointed, did Allah create the heavens and the earth, and all between them: yet are there truly many among men who deny the meeting with their Lord (at the Resurrection).”(ar-Rum, 30/8)

After the Ascension (Miraj), the Prophet (pbuh) described the realm of the hereafter to his Companions as follows:

“No eyes have seen anything like that; no ears have heard anything like that; nobody has ever imagined anything like that.”

Paradise cannot be described better than this statement. For, this description is the description of a person who saw Paradise.

“Show us the source and origin of these examples and shadows you have shown us.”

Is it not possible to understand Badiuzzaman Said Nursi's prayer above as follows? The world is a place of examples and shadows. A man's photograph is much less than his own body; similarly, his state in Paradise is much better than his state in this world. It is felt how much better Paradise, where trees obey rules, is than this world, where humans do not obey rules. Besides, the mind says, "It has to be so." 

Allah's promise regarding the issue, which is the most important evidence and which is sufficient alone for it, and the miracles of the Quran are also evidences for the existence of the hereafter.

Is it possible that Allah will disappoint His slaves who believe in His promise, who believe that it is very easy for Allah to create, who turn to Him and who want the hereafter from Him? Is it possible that He will confirm those who do not believe in His promise, who do not regard it possible that Allah will create the hereafter, who do not heed Allah, who deny Him and who make fun of those who turn to Allah? It is definitely impossible! Everything that is seen shows that Allah is trustworthy and that He will never break His promise. Telling lies originates from being incomplete and weak. It is impossible to regard Allah as incomplete and weak. 

The basis of the doubts regarding the existence of the hereafter during the period of the Prophet (pbuh) and in the periods after him was formed by the question "Can Allah create the hereafter?" This is the question that forms the knot about the existence of the hereafter. The Quran answers this question concisely, clearly and in a very convincing way as follows:  

"Doth not man see that it is We Who created Him from sperm? Yet behold! He (stands forth) as an open adversary! And he makes comparisons for us, and forgets his own (Origin and) Creation: He says "Who can give life to (dry) bones and decomposed ones (at that)?" Say "He will give them life Who created them for the first time! For He is well-versed in every kind of creation."(Yasin, 36/77-79)

The One Who created them for the first time! To know that Allah created us is sufficient evidence to understand the existence of the hereafter and how easy it is for Allah to create the hereafter. It will be sufficient for us to examine the universe and to understand how perfectly, finely and deliberately Allah created the universe in order to understand how easily Allah will create the hereafter.

"They say: "What! When we are reduced to bones and dust, should we really be raised up (to be) a new creation?" Say: "(Nay!) be ye stones or iron, Or created matter which, in your minds, is hardest (to be raised up)--(yet shall ye be raised up)!" Then will they say: "Who will cause us to return?" Say: "He Who created you first! …"  (al-Isra, 17/49-51)

It is very easy for Allah to create the universe. It is a promise of Allah; besides, it is our greatest need; furthermore, hundreds of verses of the Quran insistently give use the glad tidings about the hereafter. Since it is obvious how easy it is for Allah to create the universe, to deny is an astounding thing. Allah is the creator of man and He knows how the soil decays the human body. Allah does not forget the first creation of man since the soil decomposes the human body.

"'What! When we die and become dust, (shall we live again?).' That is a (sort of) Return far (from our understanding). We already know how much of them the earth takes away: with Us is a Record guarding (the full account)."(Qaf, 50/ 3-4)

Allah stores all of the knowledge about the human body in a single DNA cell. When the Quran tells us that we can understand the existence of the hereafter by looking at our own creation, it attracts our attention to how Allah creates in many verses. In the chapters where we examine the miracles of the Quran, most of these miracles show the perfection of the creation of Allah in the universe. The cells of our body constantly die and new ones are created. Not even one cell of our body today is the same as the cells on the day we were born. The foods we eat become a part of our body and replace the parts that die. Atoms like carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur, which are the building blocks of our body, always go in and come out of our body as long as we live and pass to the soil. However, our essential, spiritual self, which we call "soul, spirit", does not change and remain the same.  Allah creates our material body by continuously renewing it even when we are alive. Allah, who knows how the soil destroys our body and what the origin of our body is like, has promised us to create us again. Since this is an easy promise and since it is Allah's promise, it will take place. Many verses of the Quran attract our attention to the creation of the universe and the earth and show them as evidence for the creation of the hereafter and the resurrection of the death.   

"See they not that Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth, and never wearied with their creation is able to give life to the dead? Yea, verily He has power over all things." (al-Ahqaf, 46/33)

The long range creations in the universe, the big numbers of the individuals of the living beings and the species of the living beings show us that it is as easy for Allah to create living beings in big numbers as creating one individual.

"And your creation or your resurrection is in no wise but as an individual soul: for Allah is He Who hears and sees (all things)."(Luqman, 31/28)

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