The Twenty-Seventh Word: Some issues that are discussed about ijtihad (deriving a rule of divine law from the verses of Qur’an and hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in religious issues.) Six obstacles for the ijtihad.

The Twenty-Seventh Word


[Five or six years ago in an Arabic treatise, I wrote concerning a matter to do with independent judgements on points of the Shari‘a. Now, at the request of two of my brothers, this Word was written about that matter in order to put in his place someone who had overstepped the mark in his attacks on it.]

In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

If they had only referred it to the Prophet, or to those charged with authority among them, the proper investigators would have tested it from them [direct].1

The door of independent judgements on the law is open, but at the present time there are six ‘Obstacles’ to entering it.


1. Qur’an, 4:83.

Please click on the following links to continue reading;

The First: The harms of new ijtihads in the presence of the conditions of this time.

The Second: The necessity of focusing on the essential teachings of religion which are definite and do not require ijtihad instead of theoretical matters that form the issue of ijtihad.

The Third: A comparison made between the time of the Prophet and nowadays in terms of the conditions that advance the abilities of ijtihad. 

The Fourth: The essential point of view in ijtihad: the world or the hereafter?

The Fifth: What are “earthly” and “heavenly” ijtihads? Three reasons that make interpretation of the Law of today earthly.

The Sixth: A comparison made between the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and nowadays in terms of truth and falsehood.  

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