Second Stopping-Place: The answer to the doubts and objections to the Oneness and Divine unity.
Second Stopping-Place
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only. Allah, the Eternally Besought One.1
This Stopping-Place consists of three Aims.
1. Qur'an, 112:1-2
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Read 6.973 times
- The Thirty-Second Word: The proof of the Wahdaniyyah (Oneness) of Allah Almighty. The answer to the doubts and objections to Oneness and Divine unity. The point of views of the people of misguidance and the people of guidance.
- The Subject Index of Risale-i Nur
- The Second Aim: How can a single individual do innumerable things at the same time? Conclusion and the answers to two questions.
- The First Aim: The Proof of Oneness.
- A short Addendum to the First Stopping-Place: The commentary of the verse “Do they not look at the sky above them?― How We have made it and adorned...” (Surah Qaf, 50:6)
- Second Question: How can a companion who was involved in the world be superior to a saint who abandoned the world?
- The Twenty-Ninth Word: About man’s spirit, the angels, and the resurrection after death.
- First Stopping-Place: The proof of the Wahdaniyyah (Oneness) of Almighty Allah.
- Second Matter: Muhyiddin Arabi states the following in his letter to Fakhruddin Razi: “To know Allah is different to knowing that He exists.” What does it mean?
- Islam is said to provide happiness in both worlds. How can we explain the fact that most Muslims poor and in need?