Is it ever possible to talk about Islamic terror?

Islam orders man to set up good relations around him and have him pleased by people around. It never does otherwise. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) defines a Muslim as follows:
"A Muslim is a person whose hands and tongue harm nobody. (1)
A Muslim always comes out winner when the concerns are peace, tolerance, dialogue. Because a Muslim is always representative of the right and true. Rights and truths spread around the world only through peace, tolerance, dialogue; not through hatred, violence, intimidation, or conflict.
See where the warning in the Surah Al-Hujurat takes peace and solidarity to:
O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). (2)
As you see the verse does not say, We created you so that races, tribes, countries may fight against each other, the powerful may oppress the weak. On the contrary, It warns us about the importance of congregation and solidarity.
What will happen if people meet each other and be in solidarity? Muslims will take the technology from who they are in close touch with and will be prosperous by exporting the production of a number of goods, which are abundantly supplied by them. Besides they will show the truths of which they are representative in this way.
Thus, they will serve humanity in both material and spiritual ways and find opportunity to offer Islam that they are representative of.
The Holy Quran invites Muslims to be both tolerant and patient in this respect and warns them clearly.
In Medina, polytheists and Muslims lived together. As known polytheists had opposite thoughts and faith to those of Muslims. Though they lived together, there was not a single trouble. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was pleased about it. Because a Muslim came out winner from peace; and polytheists, who saw Muslims common sense, controlled their conscience and converted to Islam gradually.
Sensing this situation, one of the polytheists from Gatafan tribe wanted to raise a commotion. Then he uttered improper words to Caliph Umar (PBUH) whom he came across. When he let the point reach to swear words, Umar attempted to attack him. Those who intervened hardly prevented a big riot to take place.
Thus, there appeared a tension and insecurity between Muslims and polytheists. They suddenly adopted two opposite fronts.
At that time, the verses (14-15) from the Surah Al-Jathiya came. These verses announced that Muslims should not be involved in any act of confusion, should disregard their provocations, and both sides will eventually gather before Allah (SWT) for an account, that Muslims should set up good relations with polytheists. The other warnings of the verse, which further clarified the event, is as follows: If anyone does a righteous deed, it endures to the benefit of his own soul; if he does evil, it works against (his own soul). In the end will ye (all) be brought back to your Lord.
The verses that we offer here announced to get on well with polytheists, not to resort to settling accounts if not necessary since Allah (SWT) will call everybody into account in the Hereafter. This is a significant warning and guidance. The religion of Islam does not permit anybody to punish those who do not think and live as we do, because, as the verses stress, it is only Allah (SWT) Who may punish somebody. This punishment will take place in the Hereafter. In short, there is no terror in Islam but there is battle if necessary. And the conditions for a probable war have been laid down in Islamic law clearly and in full detail. The battles observing those rules are called jihad, the opposite is anarchy.
(1), Tirmidî, İman 12, (2629); Nesâî, İman 8, (8, 104, 105).
(2) Al-Hujurat, 13
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