Why are Hz. Isa (Jesus) and Hz. Maryam (Mary) referred to a lot in the Quran?

The Details of the Question

Why are Hz. Isa (Jesus) and Hz. Maryam (Mary) referred to a lot in the Quran?

The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

Many true religions came before the Quran. More than one hundred thousand prophets were sent after Hz. Adam, who was the first man and first prophet.

The most famous ones among them and the ones that are followed the most in the world are Hz. Musa (Moses) and Hz. Isa (Jesus), to whom the Torah and the Gospel were sent respectively. Therefore, the Quran mentions them, Hz. Musa and Hz. Isa, and the issues related to their ummahs a lot. The Quran approved the true information in them and corrected the wrong information distorted by people. That is the reason why the Quran mentions Hz. Isa, Hz. Maryam, Hz. Musa and Sons of Israel a lot. That is only one of the indications showing that the Quran is true.

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