Where is the first temple on the earth?
Where is the first temple on the earth?
Submitted by on Fri, 09/03/2018 - 15:28
Dear Brother / Sister,
The Kaba, which was first built by Adam (PBUH), was heavily damaged in the long course of time and was almost demolished. The prophet Abraham (PBUH) received an order from Allah Almighty to rebuild this holy structure and immediately set to work with his son Ismael.
Having completed to build Kaba, they opened their hands in supplication to Allah Almighty and prayed:
"Our Lord! Send a Messenger from our progeny to the Muslim Ummah so that he can read to them your ayahs (verses), teach them your books and their laws, and cleanse them from their sins!" (Surah al-Baqara, 2/129)
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