What should a person who joins the imam in a congregational prayer after the first rak'ah and who gives salam (salutes) with the imam at the end of the prayer by mistake do?

The Details of the Question
What should a person who joins the imam in a congregational prayer after the first rak'ah and who gives salam (salutes) with the imam at the end of the prayer by mistake do?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

If the person does not turn his chest from the qiblah (the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca) or he does not talk or make a move  that makes the salah invalid, he/she can continue the salah. He/she needs to perform sujud as-sahw (prostrations of forgetfulness) in the last sitting of the salah. Thus, salah is completed in this way.

If the person turns his chest from the qiblah, talks or makes a move that makes the salah invalid, his salah becomes invalid. He needs to pray it again.

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