What are the incidents that made Satan scream?
The Details of the Question
Satan screamed once when the Prophet (pbuh) was born. When will he scream three more times? Submitted by on Fri, 02/06/2017 - 11:33
The Answer
Dear Brother / Sister,
Satan screamed when he was damned and was driven away from divine mercy, when he was pushed and sent down from the rank where he was, when the Prophet (pbuh) was born and when the Quran was sent down. (Suhayli, Rawdul-Unuf, II/149; Ibn Sayyid, Uyunul-Athar, II/27; Abul-Fida, al-Bidaya wan-Nihaya, II/266-267)
(M. Asım Köksal, İslam Tarihi)
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