Is the Prophet Muhammad omnipresent (hadir and nazir everywhere)?
- The phrase hadir and nazir means that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is alive in his grave and can see the actions of his ummah and that Allah has given the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) the ability to go wherever he wants. Is it true?
- I have seen it on the Dar al-ifta Egypt website and they say that it is true and they mention the opinion of Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti rahmatullahi alayh regarding the issue. Is it permissible to say labbayk ya Rasulallah?
- It means, O prophet, we are ready. It is becoming a political slogan in my country. So, is it permissible to say Labbayk ya Rasulallah?
- Can the Prophet Muhammad see us and go wherever he wants?
Submitted by on Fri, 29/12/2023 - 15:56
Dear Brother / Sister,
No prophet including the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and no saint can be “omnipresent (hadir and nazir everywhere)”. They are attributes of Allah. The meaning is as follows: Allah is beyond time and space, but He is omnipresent with His knowledge and power; He sees and knows everything; He can do whatever He wills.
Like other people, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is not omnipresent with his knowledge and power without Allah’s permission and help. Such supervision and power for him can occur only under the supervision of Allah and based on of His power.
- The Prophet (pbuh) states the following in a hadith:
“Utter salawat for me no matter where you are; and know that your salawat reach me.” (see Abu Dawud, Manasik, 100)
The point expressed in this sound hadith is that it is a mistake to think that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) will always receive the salawat uttered for him whenever he wants without Allah’s permission and help. On the contrary, as we have stated, he receives these greetings and salawat with Allah’s permission and help. (see Abu Dawud, Manasik, 100)
- According to another narration, the Prophet (pbuh) said the following in summary:
“Your most virtuous day is Friday... So, utter many salawat for me on that day. Verily, your salawat are presented to me.” (Abu Dawud, Salah, 207; Nasai, Jumu’a 5, 45)
The phrase “are presented to me” in the hadith has been interpreted by hadith scholars as “the angels deliver them to him”. (see Awnul-Mabud,3/260).
However, there is no religious, scientific or intellectual objection to understanding this phrase as “it is presented to me directly without any intermediary”. After all, it is Allah who creates the angel’s delivery. If Allah wills, He will deliver them with or without an intermediary if He wills. However, in any case, it is Allah who delivers them.
Questions on Islam
- Is the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) omnipresent?
- What is the meaning of the phrase; “Allah returns my soul to me”?
- Will you give information about the importance of saying salawat for the Prophet? Why are hands wiped over the face after saying salawat when the name of the Prophet is mentioned?
- Will you give information about the importance of saying salawat for the Prophet? Why are hands wiped over the face after saying salawat when the name of the Prophet is mentioned?
- Is Prophet Muhammad (SAW) alive in his grave?
- What do you think of the understanding that calls energy Allah with an approach that says energy is everywhere and it is eternal?
- Is there a hadith about saying salawat for the Prophet after fard prayers?
- Why did the Prophet order us to utter salawat for him?
- Will you give information about salawat with a hundred thousand or a hundred million effects?
- Will you give information about entering ihram for umrah, regions of miqat and the Mosque of Tan’im?