Is prayer invalidated if a person repeats the verses in a prayer? Is prayer invalidated if a person who is performing a prayer individually returns three or four times and repeats the same word so as to pronounce a word in a verse correctly?
Is prayer invalidated if a person who is performing a prayer individually returns three or four times and repeats the same word so as to pronounce a word in a verse correctly? I do it related to the articulation points (makhraj) of the words.
Submitted by on Fri, 20/07/2018 - 15:26
Dear Brother / Sister,
If a person makes a big mistake while reading the Quran in a prayer and returns and reads it correctly, his prayer is permissible. However, it is makruh for him to repeat the same verses though he reads them correctly.
It is said that if a prayer is sound in many aspects but wrong in one aspect, it is decreed that the prayer is invalid. Reading the Quran (qira’ah) is an exception because it is difficult for the majority of the people to pronounce the words correctly. Therefore, the aspect of soundness is preferred.
Prayer is not invalidated if a person reads the Quran without tajwid in prayer. Prayer is not invalidated if a person confuses the letters that resemble each other. However, it is better to read the chapters, verses and supplications in prayer with tajwid.
Questions on Islam
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