Is it permissible to pray or carry scripts of verses and hadiths in order to get rid of fear and illness?

The Details of the Question
Is it permissible to pray or carry scripts of verses and hadiths in order to get rid of fear and illness?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

It is permissible to pray or carry scripts of verses and hadiths in order to get rid of fear and illness. Abdullah bin Umar narrated the following from the Prophet (pbuh): “ If one of you fears while he is asleep, he should pray like this: I turn to Allah from His rage and punishment and the evilness of people and delusions of satan. Then nothing can hurt him. Abdullah bin Amr used to teach this to children who reached the age of responsibility and the children that had not reached that particular age, he used to write it and give them to carry it with them. (Abu Dawud, Nasai, Tirmidhi).

The Prophet (pbuh) used to supplicate and blow it on water and make ill people drink that water. For this reason, it is permissible to carry the script of the surah Ya-Sin on us or recite it to water and drink it.

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