Is it permissible for a Muslim man to keep a beard stylishly, without any religious intent or purpose?
Submitted by on Mon, 22/09/2008 - 12:08
Dear Brother / Sister,
Like all Prophet our Prophet (PBUH) too grew his beard and advised his followers to grow their beards. We do not have any narration that narrates that our Prophet or his companions shaved their beards, but we have information that our Prophet (PBUH) snipped his beard to give form to. (Tirmizi, Edeb, 17). So growing beard is sunnah. To grow a beard with the intention of fulfilling the sunnah and then shaving it is makruh (abominable). However growing the beard without any intention of fulfilling the sunnah and then shaving it is mubah (the things which performing them or not is permissible in religion).
As for growing a beard stylishly without any religious intention there is no drawback. But we know that our Prophet (PBUH) prevented his companions from resembling Jews or Christians or the others who are not Muslim.
Questions on Islam
- Is it makruh and a bid’ah for those who grow a beard to cut (shave) the hair under the lower lip?
- Is the beard fard or just a Sunnah?
- Is it haram to shave the beard?
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- How did the Prophet take care of his beard? How wide and long should be a beard of Sunnah?
- About Growing Beards
- What is the judgment for shaving or growing a beard? What are the judgments for beard and mustache based on evidence? What is the type of beard in compliance with the Sunnah?
- Is it permissible to shave beards in upward direction?
- Is it permissible for women to pluck their eyebrows, to remove the hairs on their legs and faces, between their eyebrows and next to them?
- Is it permitted for women to pluck their eyebrows, to remove hairs on their face and between and around their eyebrows?