Is it permissible to get a loan from a non-Islamic country and escape without repaying it?
Some people in America get loans from banks and escape without repaying them. They encourage the people around me to do so too. Some people asked me about it but I could not give a definite answer. People make some excuses saying that the banknotes are pieces of paper printed by banks and they say they do not think it is a sin. Others say it is nothing compared to their inflictions on the Muslims. What is the decree about those people?
Submitted by on Thu, 15/10/2020 - 11:16
Dear Brother / Sister,
A Muslim who enters a non-Muslim country, with which the Muslims are in a state of war or not, with a permission (a passport and a visa) has to obey the laws of that country and cannot harm the country and its people. He is given permission based on that condition. “Muslims have to act in accordance with the conditions and keep their promises.”
Therefore, the deed mentioned in the question is not permissible and that money is not halal.
Questions on Islam
- Why is Interest Forbidden?
- Is it permissible for me to date a non-Muslim?
- Is it permissible to work in banks and insurance companies?
- Is it religiously permissible to draw interest in Dar-ul Harb?
- Is it permissible to carry a pig in return for a price?
- Is taking photos allowed and do they (photos) prevent someone from praying?
- Is it permissible to work in a place where alcoholic drinks are served and sold?
- Is it permissible to eat meat without researching who slaughter animals in countries where Jews and Christians are in majority?
- Alcohol
- Can muslim sell pork, alcohol?