Is the ghusl of a person who covers his/her teeth only for decoration and show-off without any purpose of treatment valid?
Submitted by on Sat, 24/07/2010 - 18:01
Dear Brother / Sister,
According to a fatwa sent to us by the Directorate of Religious Affairs and issued by the Mufti Office of Silvan, it is not religiously permissible to cover the teeth without any need or a purpose of treatment, but the ghusl (full ablution) is valid because it is not possible to remove it.
Here is the fatwa mentioned above:
"It is understood that according to Hanafi and Shafii books, it is haram to cover the teeth with gold and silver without any need and it is understood that according to Hanafi scholars, it prevents one from getting rid of the state of janaba; the letter of the Mufti Office of Silvan dated 05/07/1945 was read: It is permissible to fill or cover the teeth with silver or gold or connect them with silver or gold as a result of the medical need stated by a Muslim dentist after examining the teeth; it is sufficient to wash the outer parts of such teeth for wudu (ablution) and ghusl; and the person is regarded clean. However, since it is very difficult to remove those fillings, coverings and bridges during wudu and ghusl because they are glued to the teeth, the ghusl and wudu of a person who had his/her teeth filled, covered or connected with silver and gold without any necessity (although it is not religiously permissible) become valid by washing the outer parts of them because it is impossible for the water to reach under them; and the person is regarded clean."
In conclusion, to have one’s teeth filled or covered does not prevent ghusl. It is not necessary to imitate other madhhabs (sects) since it has been done for medical treatment.
No matter which madhhab a person follows, it is permissible to fill or cover the teeth when it is necessary for medical treatment; such a person can make wudu/ghusl based on his own madhhab without having to imitate other madhhabs, and worship.
Therefore, it is permissible to have new teeth implanted, to have teeth covered and filled due to a necessity, and it does not prevent ghusl. Temporary dentures fitted for the part of the treatment are also like that. However, it is necessary to remove the false (removable) teeth during ghusl while washing the mouth.
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