Does vomiting a mouthful or a little puke that comes to mouth invalidate fasting? Is fasting invalidated if a bleeding occurs, if a person swears/curses or if a person brushes his teeth?

The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

Vomiting a mouthful does not invalidate fasting. If the puke that comes to the mouth returns to the stomach itself, fasting is invalidated according to Imam Abu Yusuf but it is not invalidated according to Imam Muhammad.

Vomiting a mouthful intentionally invalidates fasting. Fiqh scholars agree unanimously on it because some puke will return to the stomach. Only qada is necessary in that case.

If a person vomits intentionally and if it is less than a mouthful, fasting is invalidated according to Imam Muhammad but it is not invalidated according to Imam Abu Yusuf. (Nahrul-Faiq - Ibn Nujaym)

If the puke is the food that has been eaten, or bile or bitter fluid, the decrees mentioned above are valid. If it is phlegm, fasting is not invalidated even if it is mouthful according to Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Muhammad. It is invalidated if it is mouthful according to Abu Yusuf. Abu Yusuf’s view is regarded as more appropriate. (Fathul-Qadir - Kamal Ibn Humam.) (Celal Yıldırım, Kaynaklarıyla İslam Fıkhı, Uysal Kitabevi: 2/227.)

When some puke comes up to the mouth if it is not mouthful and if it returns to the stomach spontaneously, fasting is not invalidated according to all scholars. However, if it is made return to the stomach, fasting is invalidated according to Imam Muhammad. It is not invalidated according to Imam Abu Yusuf because it does not invalidate wudu and fasting since the amount is a little. (see Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen, Büyük İslam İlmihali, Oruç, 114. madde)

As for the issue of brushing the teeth with toothpaste, a toothbrush is like a miswak. According to fiqh, a brush is regarded as a miswak. According to Hanafi madhhab, a person who is fasting can use it whether it is dry or wet, and at any time whether before or after noon.

However, according to some narrations, Abu Yusuf states that it is makruh for a person who is fasting to use a wet miswak. According to Shafii madhhab, it is permissible to use it before noon. It is makruh to use it after noon. To sum up, it is permissible to use a toothbrush any time of the day according to the preferred view in Hanafi madhhab.   

According to Imam Abu Yusuf, it is makruh for a fasting person to use a miswak or toothbrush that has been wetted by water. However, according to Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Muhammad, it is permissible for a fasting person to use a miswak or toothbrush that has been wetted by water.

It is definitely makruh to use a toothbrush on which toothpaste is spread for a fasting person. It is necessary to avoid it. However, fasting is not invalidated unless a person swallows the toothpaste.

If a bleeding occurs and if a person swears/curses, fasting is not invalidated.  However, swearing/cursing decreases the thawab of fasting.

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