Does having a bath unnecessarily invalidate fasting? Is it makruh?
Submitted by on Mon, 12/04/2021 - 12:09
Dear Brother / Sister,
Fasting is not invalidated due to having a bath even if it is unnecessary. Besides, penetration of water into the body from the pores does not invalidate fasting.
It is permissible to have a bath when one is fasting. However, it is makruh to rinse one’s mouth and nose or to have a bath with cold water with the intention of cooling off in Ramadan is makruh according to Abu Hanifa. It is not makruh according to Abu Yusuf.
As for water entering the ear, there is a tube between the ear and the throat. However, since the eardrum blocks that tube, the water entering the ear cannot reach the throat. Therefore, water entering the ear does not invalidate fasting. Even if there is a hole in the ear drum and the water reaches the throat, fasting is not invalidated unless that water reaches the stomach.
Questions on Islam
- Is fasting invalidated if water enters into one's ear while having a bath?
- Is fasting invalidated if a person takes a bath arbitrarily, not because of a necessity, when he is fasting? Is it makruh?
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- Frequently Asked Questions on Fasting
- Is it permissible to make ghusl/have a bath while fasting? How should one sniff water into his nostrils and gargle?
- How should the person who realizes when he wakes up that he is junub (ritually impure) continue with the fasting? Does getting blood drawn invalidate the fast?
- Is it a sin to fast when one is junub?
- Is fasting invalidated if a person keeps a clove (of carnation) in his mouth?
- Is the fast broken because of kissing or embracing?