Does committing sins have an effect on people’s achievement or failure in their deeds?

The Details of the Question
Does committing sins have an effect on people’s achievement or failure in their deeds?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

It would not be right to say such a thing as a certain rule in this issue because Allah may make deeds of pious ones difficult in order to keep them away from worldly unpleasantries. He can also let deeds of those who are disobedient to Him progress very well – just as a promotion (which is one’s reception of Allah’s favour even though they do not deserve and in spite of their lack of capability, and whereby their approaching to punishment of God because of their progressive denial or commitment of evil deeds).

Besides, He can also make the work of people whom He likes much useful and beneficial as an instant reward for the good deeds whereas He can make the others’ work whom He dislikes to fail as an instant punishment. 

Again, He can send misfortunes to people whom He likes and dislikes and get their deeds troubled in order to test them.

When we consider the issue in the light of this information pointed out in the Qur’an, it would principally be wrong to link the matter to whether one’s worldly deed going alright or not, to whether they are pious Muslims or not. 

In addition, there is evidence with much experience for the fact that deeds of believers turn into failure because of their sins as a warning.

Finally we can say that it would be a big mistake to link piety and serving for God to the matter of whether deeds are going alright or not. In God’s sight, no deed is acceptable unless it is done for the sake of God. 

There are some great lessons that we should take from this verse : 

“Among people are also many a one who worships God on the borderline (of faith), in expectation of only worldly gains. If any good befalls him, he is satisfied with it, but if a trial afflicts him, he turns away utterly, reverting back to unbelief. He (thereby) incurs loss of both this world and the Hereafter. This indeed is the obvious loss.” ( The Qur’an, Al-Hajj, 22:11)

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