Can you give information about tabligh (conveying the message of Islam, propagation of Islam) and the tabligh method of our Prophet (pbuh)?

The Details of the Question
Can you give information about tabligh (conveying the message of Islam, propagation of Islam) and the tabligh method of our Prophet (pbuh)?
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

"Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious." (an-Nahl,125)

Our Prophet guided the believers with knowledge and wisdom and based that guidance on evidence by acting upon that verse and similar verses.

He never showed anger or violence while conveying the message of Islam. He welcomed people in an atmosphere of sincerity and gave them advice with compassion and mercy. He always preferred sweet talk and soft words when he told people about the truth and reality. He eliminated the doubts and hesitations that occurred in people’s minds with great patience and understanding. He always showed respect to the people he talked to and spoke to them clearly with eloquence. Even when the questions were irrelevant, he smiled and took them seriously. One of the most important reasons why his preaching and advice were influential was that he forgave the mistakes of the people and pardoned them. He even pardoned the people who martyred his beloved uncle and many other relatives and companions after the conquest of Makkah. As a matter of fact, he had all the power then. He could have punished them as he wished.  

He influenced the spirits of the people around him with such high characteristics; he aroused and developed their talents and abilities that were in the form of core. He made each one a star in the sky of humanity. He removed the fog of ignorance that veiled that century. He changed the form of the world. He realized high characteristics like justice, love and solidarity among people. He introduced curative remedies for the diseases that threatened personal and social life and cured the world of humanity by the permission of Allah. 

The way of tabligh is the way of “weakness, poverty, compassion and contemplation”. That cause is the cause saving belief. It is the cause of protecting people from the terrifying mischiefs of the end of time and directing them towards lofty aims. It is the cause of saving humanity from the effects of the soul, devil and the unbelievably corrupt sociological atmosphere and making man attain the pleasure of being a slave. If a person can attain that high ideal as a divine grace, the first thing he should do is to confess his weakness and poverty to accomplish that difficult task and rely on the power and mercy of his Lord.

Weakness and poverty are two apparent characteristics of the slave and the most important properties of man. As a matter of fact, when we recite Chapter al-Fatiha we take refuge in our Lord, the Lord of the Worlds, and ask help from him for our works whether they are related to this world or the hereafter by saying, “Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek”. Thus, the soldiers of the service of belief and the Quran work hard in order to make the guidance flourish in the hearts of people but they know that they cannot accomplish that great outcome with their strength and power so they take refuge in Allah with weakness and poverty. 

The third step is to feel sorry for disobedient sinners and rush to help them with the sensitivity of a doctor and compassion of a mother. And the fourth step is to fulfill that duty with wisdom. 

The great ideal put forward by our national poet, the late, Mehmet Akif in the following couplet:

We should take inspiration directly from the Quran, we should make the century pronounce Islam.

has been realized fully in the Risale-i Nur Collection. In the market of this century, which is full of ‘why’s, only a collection that could address both the mind and the heart, that could have its cause loved and could prove it could have been accepted by a lot of people and it was.

The first one of those determinations teaches us that the biggest condition to convey the message of Islam to both our own citizens and to the whole world of humanity is to have the high ethics of the Quran. The other one determines that it is necessary to develop economically in order to convey the truths of belief and the Quran to the needy. 

We should try to cure those two wounds by accepting them. If we ignore them and base ourselves on temporary and uncertain formulas, we will go on crawling and we will be responsible for blocking and preventing Islam from reaching the needy hearts.

Every Muslim is responsible for fulfilling the duty incumbent on him. The rank of a person in a society lays some responsibilities on him. Every Muslim becomes responsible in accordance with his rank. We can see the issue under the light of the following hadith: “When you see something bad, correct it with your hand; if you cannot, correct it with your tongue; if you cannot, hate it in your heart.”

Not everybody can interpret that hadith in every situation on his own. For instance, if we see something bad on the way and try to correct it and harm somebody while doing it and if that person files a lawsuit against us, we will be punished. Then, how should we understand the meaning of the hadith?

To correct with the hand, is the duty of the authorities, that is, the state and the security forces; to correct with the tongue is the duty of the scholars; to hate it in the heart is the duty of the others.

Therefore, at first, a Muslim should practice Islam properly. Then, if there is no danger of harming Islam, he should tell people about Islam with sweet talk. He should leave the rest to Allah.

A person who wants to grow trees gives importance to the following: The seeds should be improved; the field should be appropriate for sowing; the season should be appropriate for sowing and the person to sow should be an expert. Therefore, if inappropriate seeds are sown into a hard and inadequate field in an inadequate season by a person who is not good at sowing will cause everything to come to nothing. After fulfilling his duty, a gardener who has those properties will not try to go into the field in order to make the flowers and roses to blossom and to turn it into a tree. He does his duty and leaves the result to Allah. 

Similarly, it is necessary to practice the true Islam properly and to convey the message of Islam. To tell people the thoughts and ideas that are not in compliance with Islam as Islam will harm both Islam and the people who propagate it as Islam.

The needy hearts into which the seeds of Islam and belief to be thrown should be ready for it. Sometimes, it may become harmful to tell people who are not ready yet about Islam.

In addition, the season of the tabligh is also important. The states like the environment, the psychological mood and the expectations of the person are important. Every seed that is not sown in its season may be lost.

On the other hand, the person who conveys the message of Islam should have the skills and properties to know how to convey it and how to transmit it to the minds and hearts with an appropriate style. He should be qualified like a specialist doctor.

After fulfilling his duty, a Muslim who has those properties leaves the guidance to Allah. He does not interfere with the duty of Allah.

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