Can you give information about prophets being sent to tribes separately? Which prophets lived at the same time and in the same place? What is the reason for this?
Submitted by on Fri, 24/04/2015 - 11:01
Dear Brother / Sister,
There are many prophets sent at the same time. For example, Shuayb (Jethro) and Musa (Moses) or Harun (Aaron) and Musa are the prophets sent at the same time.
The prophets sent before Hazrat Muhammad were sent to different nations. There were not dialogs and communication among tribes as there are now. Transport facilities were not so easy. Several tribes were not aware of one another other. It was not possible for one prophet to reach all the tribes.
So, different prophets were sent to tribes that lived in different places and separately. Sometimes, one of them was an assistant to another prophet. According to what the Quran reports, prophethood and divine books are the spiritual gifts granted by Allah.
As Allah, who created the universe, has given numerous earthly blessings and plenty of sustenance to human beings without discriminating between them and nations, He has bestowed prophethood on them as a spiritual food and moral blessing according to the same divine principle.
So, prophethood is a divine gift given by Allah to all of the nations in the world. Seeing that humans are in need of innocent prophets sent by Allah and the revelations sent down to them to find the right way and to practice the divine system founded on truth and justice by learning it, Allah sends prophets to all nations He chooses among them to without making any distinction.
As a matter of fact, this issue has been clearly expressed in the following verses:
"There never was a people, without a warner having lived among them (in the past)" (Fatir 35/24)
"To every people (was sent) an Messenger." (Yunus,10/47. Also see an-Nahl, 16/36; ar-Rum, 30/47; az-Zukhruf, 43/6; ar-Ra'd, 13/8; Ibrahim, 14/4; al-Isra, 17/15).
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