Blessed Night
The Details of the Question
During the blessed night i.e. shab e qadr if a women is not able to perform prayer nor recite Qur'an sharif due to menstruation or any natural causes what can she do best so that she does not get depressed by the thought that she missed such a blessed night when Allah is all giving n forgiving.
Submitted by on Tue, 09/09/2008 - 12:07
The Answer
Dear Brother / Sister,
What are the worships that can be made during menstruation period?Scholars said: " It is mustahab (recommended) for a menstruating woman to perform wudu (partial ablution) at the time of each prayer and sit in the place she perform prayers as long as a prayer takes and to glorify Allah by saying “Subhanallah and La ilaha illallah” so that she will not forget her usual worship. In a narration, it is stated “a woman who does so is given the reward of the prayer she performed in the best way”.
If the menstruation period of women coincides with holy and honorable times when the sins of believers are forgiven and their ranks are exalted like Ramadan, layla al-qadr (night of power), eids, holy nights, etc., they will definitely receive their shares completely from those holy and good days and nights if they intended to spend those days and nights worshipping in accordance with their intentions in their hearts as it stated in a hadith: "Everybody will be given what they deserve in accordance with their intentions”. This is because their menstruation period is something that they cannot change and it is not a result of their deliberate actions so they will not be deprived of anything. Intention is better that words and actions because words and actions may have some show off but intention cannot be complicated with anything.
Can a menstruating woman read the translation of the Quran?
It is permissible for women to read the translation of the Quran while their heads are not covered. It is also permissible for menstruating women to read the translation of the Quran.
Junub (impure, who needs to perform ghusl (full ablution)), menstruating or post-partum bleeding women cannot recite any of the verses of the Quran; it is not permissible.
The messenger of Allah (PBUH) states the following regarding this issue:
“A junub or menstruating woman cannot recite anything from the Quran.”1 that is, she cannot recite even less than a verse from the Quran with the intention of reciting the Quran. However, it is permissible to recite some verses from the Quran, to pray, to praise Allah, to take shelter in Allah, to mention the name of Allah, when starting something or in order to teach the Quran:
For instance, the verse which is sunnah to read when getting in or on a vehicle “Subhanallazi sakhkhara lana haza wama kunna lahu muqrinin (Glory to Him Who has subjected these to Our (use), for We could never have accomplished this (by ourselves)).”2
Also the verse to be read when getting off a vehicle “Rabbana anzilni munzalan mubarakan wa anta khayru’l-munzilin (O my Lord! Enable me to disembark with Your blessing: for You are the Best to enable (us) to disembark).3 The verse when the news of misfortune or death is received, “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun (To Allah we belong and to Him is our return).4
Also saying, “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim” when starting to do something and to say, “Alhamdulillah” to thank Allah are of the same kind.
Similarly it is not haram to read chapters al-Fatiha, al-Falaq, an-Nas, al-Ikhlas and the verse ayatul kursi with the intention of mentioning and remembering Allah.
According to Maliki sect, there is no drawback for a menstruating or post-partum bleeding woman to recite a small part from the Quran. The small amount is as much as the verses mentioned above. As evidence, they present the fact that they remain in that state for a long time.
According to Hanbali and Hanafi sects, it is permissible to read the Quran by dividing words into syllables, because such reading is not reciting. They also accept it as permissible to look at the Quran and read it silently without uttering any words because in that case, there is no reciting. 5
All of those views are differences of ijtihad (deducing decrees) of mujtahid (capable of exercising ijtihad) imams depending on various pieces of evidence and they are all correct.
In addition, it is permissible to recite sentences of tawhid (oneness) and zikr (mentioning the names and attributes of Allah) like Kalima Shahada, Kalima Tawhid, istighfar and salawat once or more than once.
According to Imam Azam Abu Hanifa, it is permissible for menstruating or post-partum bleeding women to hold religious books like tafseer (interpretation), hadith and fiqh (Islamic law) except the Quran. However, they must not touch the verses in those books.
As for writing the verses of the Quran by women in those periods, we see the following in al-Fatawa’l-Hindiyya:
“It is makruh (disliked, undesirable) for junub people and menstruating women to add a verse among the things they are writing. However, it will not be makruh if they do not read those verses.”
“Imam Muhammad says ‘in my opinion, it is the best for those people not to write any verses from the Quran’ recommending caution and care regarding that issue.”
Accordingly, since basmala is a verse in the Quran, it will be better if menstruating women do not write it.
By the way, no matter which sect she follows, a menstruating woman cannot touch even one verse of the Quran. However she can hold the Quran by a piece of clean cloth or paper that is not attached to the Quran.
1 Ibn Majah, Taharah: 105.
2 Chapter az-Zukhruf, 13.
3 Chapter al-Muminoon, 29.
4 Chapter al-Baqara, 156.
5 Wahba Zuhayli, al-Fiqhu’l-Islami wa Adillatuhu, 1: 288-9.
6 Ibn Majah, Taharah: 119.
7 Bidayatu’l-Mujtahid, 1:110; al-Fiqhu’l-Islami wa Adillatuhu, 1: 422.
Mehmed Paksu - Fatwas peculiar to familial life
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