“If a person utters a thousand salawat a day, his place in Paradise is shown to him.” Is this statement a hadith?

Are the following narrations hadiths? If they are hadiths, are they sound?
“If a person utters a thousand (1000) salawat for me a day, he will not die until his place in Paradise is shown to him.”
“If a person utters a thousand (1000) salawat for me, he is given the glad tiding of Paradise before he dies.”
“Allah will not punish a person who utters a thousand (1000) salawat for me with hellfire.”
Submitted by on Mon, 04/12/2023 - 10:28
Dear Brother / Sister,
Some hadiths regarding the issue are as follows:
“If a person utters a thousand (1000) salawat for me a day, he will not die until his place in Paradise is shown to him.” (Sakhawi, al-Qawlul-Badi, Madinah, 2002, p. 167, no: 26)
"If a person utters salawat for me once, Allah will have mercy on him ten times. If a person utters salawat for me ten times, Allah will have mercy on him a hundred times. If a person utters salawat for me a hundred times, Allah will write a document of salvation from hypocrisy and Hell on his forehead. And He will put him near martyrs on the Day of Judgment." (Tabarani, Mujamus-Saghir, p. 161, no: 899)
However, those hadith narrations are not sound. (see Silsilatul-Ahadithid-Daifa, 11/189-190)
Nevertheless, there is no drawback to reading and telling others about those hadiths, which encourage us to utter salawat for the Prophet, by knowing and saying that they are not sound, and uttering salawat accordingly.
However, it should not be forgotten that even if a hadith is sound, the statements meaning he who does this or that will enter Paradise should not be understood as it will be enough to do that deed only. They should be understood as follows: If he fulfils other conditions too, he will attain those virtues when he does it.
Otherwise, the following understanding will never be appropriate: A person who utters salawat only will enter Paradise even if he commits all sins and abandons fard deeds.
It is similar to saying a person who has enough basic nutrients and takes measures against diseases, “If you take this vitamin, you will not get ill.” It is wrong to think that a person who takes that vitamin will not get ill if he does not have enough basic nutrients and does not take measures against diseases.
This decree, which is valid in material life, is valid in spiritual life too.
Questions on Islam
- Will you give information about salawat with a hundred thousand or a hundred million effects?
- Is the statement ‘He who utters salawat for me gets as many thawabs as the Mount Uhud” a hadith?
- Are there any hadiths about reading the chapter of al-Ikhlas one thousand times on the day of arafah (one day before eid al-adha)?
- Is the following statement a hadith: "Hellfire will not burn a person who says La ilaha illallah"?
- Will you give information about the importance of saying salawat for the Prophet? Why are hands wiped over the face after saying salawat when the name of the Prophet is mentioned?
- What is necessary to do in order to stop using alcohol?
- Does wearing hijab (tasattur) cause bone thinning (osteoporosis)?
- Will you give information about the importance of saying salawat for the Prophet? Why are hands wiped over the face after saying salawat when the name of the Prophet is mentioned?
- Will you please explain the verses that order us to obey the messenger of Allah?
- Why did the Prophet order us to utter salawat for him?