What are the abominable (makruh) acts of wudu?
Everything that is considered as contrary to the sunnahs and recommended acts of wudu is regarded as makruh. The most important makruh acts are as follows:
1 – To waste water; to use more water than what is necessary.
2 – To cut down on water; that is, to wash the organ with so little water as to hardly wet it as if wiping.
3 – To wash the organs by splashing water on them.
4 – To utter unnecessary words while making wudu.
5 – To ask for help from others when it is not necessary.
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Once the Messenger of Allah was drawing water from a well for wudu. Hazrat Umar saw him and ran toward him to help. However, the Messenger of Allah made him stop. He said,
“Stop O Umar! I do not want the help of anyone for prayer.
However, it is permissible to accept the help of others when there is necessity or when someone tries to help of his own accord.
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On the Day of Judgment, those who performed prayers in the world will be ordered to be taken to Paradise in accordance with their degrees. The faces of those in the first degree will shine like stars. The angels will welcome them and ask them: "Who are you?" They will say, "We are from the ummah of Hazrat Muhammad; we used to perform prayers in the world." The angels will ask, "What were your deeds in the world?" They will say, "Whenever we heard the adhan, we rose to our feet to make wudu. Nothing could prevent us from making wudu." Then, the angels will say, "You deserve the state you are in." Then, another group will come. The beauty and brightness of their faces are superior to the first group. Their faces shine like the moon. The angels will ask them: "Who are you?" They will say, "We used to perform prayers." The angels will ask, "What were your prayers like?" They will say, "We used to make wudu before the time for the prayer started." Then, the angels will say, "You deserve the state you are in." Then, the third group will come. Their state is superior to the previous two groups. The angels will say to them, "Your rank is higher and your faces are brighter than those of the previous groups; who are you? They will say, "We used to perform prayers in the world." The angels will ask, "What were your prayers like?" They will say, "We used to listen to the adhan in the mosque. (We would make wudu before the adhan, go to the mosque, sit in the mosque and wait for the adhan there. Then, the angels will say, "You deserve the state you are in."
- the proper way to perform Wudhu.
- What is adhan?
- Surah 7. Al-A'raf (The Heights)
- What is Wudu (Ablution)?
- I feel delusions as if I pass wind when I have wudu and as if I break wudu. What should I do? I feel delusions while making ghusl too.
- Is it permissible if I read adhan and iqamah silently, without moving my lips, when I perform missed (qada) prayers at home?
- Is it permissible to perform a prostration of thanking for a woman when she is in the menstruation period?
- Life in the Grave is True
- Is it permissible to have a religious talk or to read the Quran while adhan is being called?
- Rawatib Prayers