Fasting: a Unique Worship with Limitless Rewards and a Profitable Trade

According to a hadith reported by Abu Hurayra (May Allah be pleased with him), the Noble Messenger (Peace and Blessings be upon him) spoke as follows:

Each good deed and worshipping which the sons of Adam performed increases in from tenfold to seven hundred fold in terms of rewards, as much as Allah wishes.

Allah utters: However, a fasting person is exempt from this because he fasts only to please Me. He quits pleasures and eating for Me.

There are two types of happiness for a fasting person: The first happiness is the one at the time of breaking his fast. The second happiness is the one when he meets his Sustainer and acquires his award.

I swear on Allah that the halitosis of a fasting person is more beautiful then odor of musk before Him (Ibni Majah, Siyam: 1)

A believer fasts only because Allah commands it. He has the aim of gaining His pleasure. He waits all day long, does not eat or drink anything. He manifests his degree of obedience to his Sustainer. When he sits down for the meal at the breaking time of his fast, he does not eat anything and awaits the command of “help yourselves!” of his Lord. He tries to thank by means of a comprehensive and universal prayer for the compassionate and merciful bounties of God Almighty.

There is no pretension and hypocrisy in the worship of fasting. A man shows his fasting only to his Creator who feeds him and nurtures him and who fulfils his needs by means of all sorts of bounties. He could break his fast in a place where nobody sees when he is fasting but he does not do it. And that manner is the best evidence showing that he fasts only for Allah.

That is why Almighty God commands:” Fast is performed only to please Me. It belongs to Me. I will give its reward.

While the rewards of each good deed and prayer are indicated through verses and Hadiths, the rewards of fasting were not limited and a quantity or measure was not pronounced.

It means that the pleasures, spiritual rewards and the prizes of the prayers and worshipping performed sincerely will be unlimited.

Abu Umama (May God be pleased with him) tells:

I said, “O the Messenger of Allah! Would you advice me a favorable deed?”

The Noble Messenger (PBUH) uttered: “Perform fasting because there is no worship equal to fasting”.

I asked again: “Would you advice me a good deed?”

He replied: “Try to fast because there is no other worship as meritorious as it before Allah.” (Nasaî, Siyam: 43)

According to a hadith reported by Ali Ibni Abu Talib (May Allah be pleased with him), the Noble Messenger (PBUH) commanded:

If fasting prevents a person from food and beverages he desires, Almighty God feeds him with Paradise foods and lets him drink Paradise drinks. (Kanzu’l-Ummal, 3:329)

The holy month of Ramadan is like an extremely profitable display and market for the trade of the hereafter. It is an extremely fertile piece of land for the crops of the hereafter. For the growth and flourishing of actions, it is like April showers.

The fasting believer, by temporarily quitting eating and drinking, becomes kind of a man of the hereafter; he becomes a mirror reflecting the attributes of Almighty God.

Indeed, the month of Ramadan comprises and makes one gain a permanent and eternal life in this fleeting world and brief transient life.

Man eats and drinks in Paradise what he quits eating and drinking temporarily in this world.

Fasting: The Door of worshipping

According to a narrative by Damra Ibni Habîb (May Allah be pleased with him), the Noble Messenger (PBUH) commanded as follows:

Everything has a door. The door of worshipping is fasting. (Kanzu’l-Ummal, 8:447)

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