Fasting Approaches Man into an Angelic State

The most significant feature of man which distinguishes him from angels is that he has a soul. Man eats, drinks, marries, becomes sorry, angry and commits sins.

Ubada Ibni Samit (May Allah be pleased with him) narrates:

The Noble Messenger (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said the following when the month of Ramadan started:

Now, the blessed month of Ramadan has come. After now, Allah’s mercy surrounds you. Mercy goes down to the face of the earth abundantly in this month. Faults are forgiven, prayers are accepted.

Allah watches your competition for goodness and worshipping then He takes pride in it by shoing it to His angels.

Therefore, make God please you through your adoration. The genuine rebel in this month is the one who does not acquire his share from Allah’s mercy. (At-Targhib wa’t-Tarhib, 2:99)

The most significant feature of man which distinguishes him from angels is that he has a soul. Man eats, drinks, marries, becomes sorry, angry and commits sins. However, he quits eating and drinking for a period of time and limits his pleasures. He does not meet the needs of his soul, does not carry out what his soul wants.

In the meantime, he also draws himself away from the acts which yield committing sins such as lying and backbiting. He tries to avoid unnecessary actions.

Through this state, man resembles angels because angels do not eat or drink, do not get married, and do not commit sins and do not have souls.

However, man has a soul but he controls it; he does not carry out all of its desires. He approaches a state that would surpass angels in terms of spiritual manners.

Almighty God is proud of man, who restrains his desires; He shows him to His angels as an example. It shows the degree of fasting man before God. A believer should try to please God in return for His bounties, strive to be more serious in obedience and to live on the path of His creation.

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