Will you give information about the people killed with Hz. Husayn in Karbala?

Will you give information about the people killed with Hz. Husayn in Karbala?
Submitted by on Fri, 11/11/2016 - 15:55
Dear Brother / Sister,
It is reported that Muhammad b. Hanafiya said,
"Along with Husayn, seventeen males were killed. They were all children of Fatima."
According to a narration, Hasan al-Basri said,
"Along with Husayn, sixteen males were killed. They were all from his family; there were no people like them on the earth on that day."
Other said,
"Along with Husayn, twenty-three males, among whom were his children, brothers and family, were killed.
The following children of Hz. Ali were killed: Jafar, Husayn, Abbas, Muhammad, Uthman and Abu Bakr.
The following children of Hz. Husayn were killed: Aliyyul-Akbar, Abdullah.
The following children of Hz. Husayn's brother Hz. Hasan were killed: Abdullah, Qasim and Abu Bakr.
The following children of Abu Bakr Abdullah b. Jafar were killed: Awn and Muhammad.
The following children of Uqayl were killed: Jafar, Abdullah and Abdurrahman."
Uqayl's child Muslim had been killed in Kufa beforehand. They were Uqayl's children. Two of his grandchildren had also been killed: Abdullah b. Muslim b. Uqayl and Muhammad b. Abi Said b. Uqayl. Thus, the number of Uqayl's offspring that were killed was six. A poet wrote the following about them:
"Cry for Ali's nine children that were killed and Uqayl's six children that were killed.
The Prophet said they would be killed in Ghawdar. The enemy attacked with bright and sharp swords."
Among those who were killed along with Hz. Husayn in Karbala was his foster brother Abdullah b. Baqtar. According to another narration, he had been killed beforehand. When Hz. Husayn sent him to the people of Kufa with a letter, Ibn Ziyad attacked and killed him.
Seventy-two of Hz. Husayn's men were killed. The people of Ghadiriyya buried them the next day. They were from the tribe of Banu Asad.
(see Ibn Kathir, al-Bidaya wa'n-Nihaya, Çağrı Publications: 8/286-327)
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