Will you explain the following hadith related izar? (lower garment tied to the waist covering the lower half of the body). What is meant by it?

The Details of the Question
"The izar of a believer should hang down to the half length of his legs. It may hang down to somewhere between his knees and heels. However, the part that goes lower than the heel brings about Hellfire. On the Day of Judgment, Allah will not look mercifully at a person who walks conceitedly, his izar sweeping the ground."
The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

Ala Ibn Abdirrahman reports from his father: "I asked Abu Said (may Allah be pleased with him) about izar (lower garment tied to the waist covering the lower half of the body). He said:

"You have asked exactly the right person! The Messenger of Allah said this about it:

"The izar of a believer should hang down to the half length of his legs. It may hang down to somewhere between his knees and heels. However, the part that goes lower than the heel brings about Hellfire. On the Day of Judgment, Allah will not look mercifully at a person who walks conceitedly, his izar sweeping the ground."

Muwatta, Libas 12, (2, 914, 915); Abu Dawud, Libas 30, (4093); Ibnu Majah, Libas 7, (3573).

The ways of the following two groups are contrary to the way of the Messenger of Allah: those who render the clothes and food that Allah made halal as haram for themselves just for the sake of piety and worshipping and those who wear only luxurious clothes, eats only the most delicious food and do not eat hard food and do not wear hard clothes due to their conceit and pride. Therefore, some of the people of the predecessors did not tolerate the two extremes of the garments that will cause fame: the best one and the worst one.

The following hadith is a warning regarding the issue: "Allah will make a person who wears the garment of fame wear the garment of humiliation on the Day of Judgment and he will be thrown into fire in that garment." (Abu Dawud, Libas 5, (4029, 4030). It is because that person means to be proud and conceited. Allah will punish him with the opposite of what he wants and despise him. Similarly, He will punish the person who lengthens his garment down to the ground to boast himself by making him flutter till the Day of Judgment.
Therefore, the Messenger of Allah said, “Allah will not look at the person who decorates his garment due to his pride." Hz. Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) said: O Messenger of Allah! My izar is loose; it sweeps the ground if I am not careful." Our Prophet (pbuh) said,  "You are not doing it out of pride!" (Bukhari, Libas 5, 1, 2, Fadailul Ashab 5, Adab 55; Muslim, Libas 45, (2085); Abu Dawud, Libas 28)
That is, the clothes that are worn for fame and conceit are criticized. If they are worn in modesty, they are praised. It is necessary to evaluate the hadith mentioned in the question like that.

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