Will the son and daughter not be able to meet their mother in Paradise?

The Details of the Question

- The following is stated in a hadith:
“There is a sixty-mile-wide tent in Paradise. In each corner, there are wives for the believer who do not see the other wives; and the believer will visit them all.”
- In another narration, the Prophet says that this tent is thirty miles wide. Does it mean that an elder son cannot meet and see his mother, and does it mean that a mother cannot meet her elder daughter?

The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

- First of all, we should state that those who are in the life of Paradise will be able to meet whomever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want, in whatever way they want. The situation in this hadith is aimed at describing the size, width and marvelousness of the tent.

- One of the narrations regarding the issue is as follows:

“Verily, there will be a tent made of a single hollow pearl, the length of which is sixty miles. In each corner, there will be a family of the believer, and they will not see one another; and the believer will visit them all.” (see Bukhari, 4879; Muslim, 2838)

This sound narration is included in Bukhari and Muslim with some very minor variations.

- The expression “they will not see one another” is not aimed at describing a real phenomenon, but the “size of the tent, its dimensions”. That is, it is so big that people in one corner cannot see people in the other corners from a distance.

Although it is inside the same tent, there is no disturbance of privacy.

Accordingly, the expression does not mean “not meeting” but “not seeing”.

Questions on Islam

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