What prayer do you recommend for begetting a good child?
Submitted by on Thu, 07/01/2010 - 15:59
Dear Brother / Sister,
The following verses serve for demanding a child and wishing a good heir if recited as a prayer. Because Zacharias (PBUH) and other prophets prayed so. Thus, it is to our benefit to pray with these verses in case of such a problem.
It will be better to read them from the original Quran, but the ones who may not read it, can read the prayers from the translations too.
O our Lord, grant us generations that will be a happiness and pride for us and make us leaders to the pious people (Furqan 74)
O our Lord, give us good children. If you do that, surely we will be among the thankful. (al-Araf 189)
O our Lord, give us pious children (as-Saffat 100)
Honestly, I am anxious about my relatives which will substitute me. And my wife is infertile. Grant me an heir which will succeed me and the Jacob dynasty. Make him a man that will please you, my Lord (Maryam 5-6)
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