In a verse of the Qur’an, it is said that the sky is withheld from falling on the earth. How can the sky fall off on us?
Submitted by on Thu, 22/09/2011 - 18:05
Dear Brother / Sister,
The meaning of the related verse is as follows:
Seest thou not that Allah has made subject to you (men) all that is on the earth, and the ships that sail through the sea by His command? He withholds the sky (rain) from falling on the earth except by His leave: for Allah is Most Kind and Most Merciful to man. (Hajj, 22/65)
The Arabic word “samawat” (skies, heavens) describes space, in which stars, solar systems and galaxies move in their orbits. Here, Almighty Allah (SWT) points to a law of nature and informs us that He has elevated these objects of heaven without any pillars which are visible to us and that He governs them . (Surah ar-Rad 13/2) He connected these immense masses to a moving system in outer space, put centrifugal and gravity forces into these masses so that they are kept away from one another, and secured them from colliding; by doing so He ensured a balance which prevented them from pulling away or falling one another. The following verse points out the divine order between these masses: “He withholds the sky (rain) from falling on the earth except by His leave.”
These verses state that everything occurs with the knowledge, Qudrah (power) and will of Allah (SWT). Claiming that they occur as a mere coincidence means accepting that the most harmonious and stable events are caused by unbalanced, disordered events; and this has no place in logical thinking and reasoning. Someone who can use his/her mind more or less and look at the world of living things with an expanded horizon understands that such systems which are made through a very accurate mathematical and physical calculations cannot be made by mere coincidence; and as a result he prostrates in front of this infinite power, amazed and humbly. If there is a plan and program, there must be a programmer and planner. If there is a perfect order, then a there must be a mind blowing programmer there. The Qur’an attracts attentions to this subtle point. (Celal Yıldırım, İlmin Işığında Asrın Kur’an Tefsiri, Anadolu Yayınları: 8/4053).
Questions on Islam
- While it is stated in verse 2 of the chapter of ar-Ra’d that "the heavens were raised without any pillars", it is stated in verse 7 of the chapter of al-Mumin that "angels sustain the Throne". Are those verses not contrary to each other?
- What should we understand from the following verse: Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars (ar-Ra’d, 13/2)?
- It is stated in the verse 2 of the chapter of ar-Rad that “the heavens were raised without pillars” but it is stated in verse 7 of the chapter of al-Mumin that “angels sustain the Throne”. Are those verses not contradictory to each other?
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- First Flash: The comprehensiveness of the words of the Qur'an; each phrase contains many meanings.
- Fourth Flash: The comprehensiveness of the subjects that the Qur'an deals with.
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- Sama (Sky)