Is it true that Satan appears with water at the time of death?
Submitted by on Tue, 05/04/2016 - 00:00
Dear Brother / Sister,
It is necessary to put some water constantly into the mouth of a person who is in deathbed since his mouth will go dry. For, at the time of death, Satan approaches with a glass of water.
Islamic scholars say that it is sunnah to utter kalima at-tawhid near a person who is in deathbed. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"Say, 'Lailaha illallah' near the Muslims who are in deathbed."
The following is stated in another hadith:
“A person whose last word before death is 'Lailaha illallah' goes to Paradise."
It is good to recite the Quran near a dead person. The Messenger of Allah stated the following regarding the issue:
"The chapter of Yasin is the heart of the Quran. If a person reads it with the intention of Allah and the hereafter, Allah will forgive him. Read it for your dead people."
(see Prof. Dr. Süleyman TOPRAK, Ölümden Sonraki Hayat)
Questions on Islam
- How is the death of believers, do they suffer; How does their death differ from that of unbelievers?
- Could you give information about agony of death (sakarat al-mawt)?
- Does Shaitan approach one with a glass of water near the time of death?
- Does Shaitan approach one with a glass of water near the time of death?
- What is the judgement and virtue of fasting on the day of Arafah? How should we make use of the day of Arafa?
- What can be done as charity, prayer and favor for a dead person? What supplications and chapters along with the chapter of Yasin should be read to decrease a dead person’s penalty in the grave?
- I started to be dressed in tasattur/hijab but I cannot put up with it. I cannot be happy; I am being alienated from the religion. What should I do?
- Will you give information about the duas (supplications) and tasbihat (glorifications) read in prayer (salah) and thawabs given for them?
- What are the verses about Angels, Jinn, and Devils?
- What are the traps (tricks) of Satan?