If the Quran is the word of Allah, why is the same thing repeated?
- If the Quran is the book of Allah, there should be no repeated verses in 54:17 and 54:22
Submitted by on Tue, 03/12/2024 - 14:58
Dear Brother / Sister,
First of all, we should state that two eyes, two feet, two arms, ten fingers, ten toes, 28/32 teeth are never the same. Each one of them is in their proper place and necessary.
Every breath we take, every sip of water we drink, every morsel we eat is different from the previous one and necessary. Similarity in shape does not mean that they are the same.
Whoever created them is also the one who sent the Quran to the being to whom He gave those blessings. So, what appears to be a repetition in the Quranic verses is a repetition in appearance, but it is never the same. Each one of them is in their proper place and necessary.
The author of the book of the universe and the author of the Quran are one and the same. So, if we can understand the features we see in the book of the universe, it will help us understand the book of the Quran better.
As for the verse in the question:
The verse “And We have indeed made the Quran easy to understand and remember” is repeated in more places than the times mentioned in the question:
For example, it is mentioned in four verses in the chapter of al-Qamar 54/17, 22, 32, 40. However, in the following chapter, ar-Rahman, a verse is written 31 times. Although this issue is explained in great detail on our website, we will quote the following statements of Badiuzzaman Said Nursi here:
“Second Point: The Quran is a Divine address to and cure for the diseases of all people, regardless of their intelligence or condition; therefore, they deserve to benefit from it.
Not everyone can always recite the Quran from beginning to end. To make it easy, the All-Wise and All-Compassionate one included most of the Quran’s purposes in most of its chapters so that every chapter would be like a small version of the Quran and everybody would gain the thawab of reading the whole Quran by reading a chapter easily. The verse “وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا الْقُرْآنَ لِلذِّكْرِ - And We have indeed made the Quran easy to understand and remember” proves this fact.
Third Point: Bodily needs vary as time changes. They increase and decrease. For example:
Air is always needed; water is needed only when one is thirsty or hot. Food is needed daily; other items are needed weekly, monthly, etc.
In the same way, one’s spiritual needs vary. The word “Allah” is needed any moment. “Bismillah” is needed all the time. So is “La ilaha illallah”.
Thus, the repetition of certain verses and words is based on our need
for them. Such repetition reminds us of this need and urges us to feel the
need for a certain spiritual sustenance. (see Mesnevi-i Nuriye, On Dördüncü Reşha, p. 231)
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- Fourteenth Droplet: The description of the Qur'an; The wisdom behind the repetitions in the Qur'an; the difference between the view of the Qur'an and philosophy related to the created beings.
- Third Flash: It is an interpretation explaining that human spirit, which was created for everlastingness and is in love with everlastingness, will attain peace and happiness in both the world and eternal life if it knows its real duty toward Allah