Did Najashi cry when he listened to the Quran?
- Comment on the narrations about the Christian King who wept after listening to the chapter of Maryam. Is there such an incident?
Submitted by on Tue, 28/01/2025 - 12:17
Dear Brother / Sister,
Najashi Ashama, was the king of Abyssinia who patronized the Muslim Muhajirs, accepted the invitation of the Prophet (pbuh) to Islam and became a Muslim.
The narrations related to the issue mentioned in the question are as follows in brief:
Najashi asked the Muhajirs who took refuge in his country questions about Islam, Maryam (Mary) and her son Jesus (Isa) too. After giving him general information about Islam, Jafar recited the chapter of Maryam in response to the questions about Maryam and Jesus (pbuh). When Najashi listened to the Quran, he was so moved that he wept until his beard was wet and said, “These two religions come from the same source.”(1)
The migration to Abyssinia was not only a relief for Muslims in general, but also contributed to the spread of Islam there. Years later, in Madinah, the Prophet led a janazah prayer in absentia for Najashi, indicating that he had become a Muslim.(2)
1) See Ibn Ishaq, as-Siratun-Nabawiyya, Thq.: Ahmad Farid al-Mazidi, Darul-Kutubil-Ilmiyya, Beirut 2009, pp. 247-250; Ibn Hisham, as-Siratun-Nabawiyya, Thq.: Mustafa Saqqa et al., np., nd., 1/334-338; Abu Nuaym, Dalailun-Nubuwwa, 1/246.
2) Ahmad b. Hanbal, Musnad, 3/400; Ibn Kathir, Sirah, 2/30.
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