Are the teachings of all prophets the same in terms of the principles of belief?

The Details of the Question

"All prophets from the Prophet Adam to the Prophet Muhammad were subject to the same principles in creed but they had different shari’ahs related to deeds."
- Is the statement above true?
- Are there verses of the Quran in parallel with this statement? If yes, what are they?

The Answer

Dear Brother / Sister,

Yes, the statement above is true.

“Not a messenger did We send before thee without this inspiration sent by Us to him: that there is no god but I; therefore worship and serve Me.” (al-Anbiya, 21/25)

We can understand from the verse above that all prophets learned and taught the creed of oneness.

“For We assuredly sent amongst every People a messenger, (with the Command), "Serve Allah, and eschew Evil".” (an-Nahl, 16/36)

In the verse above, the lesson of oneness and worshipping only Allah is given along with the lesson of keeping away from Evil (Taghut), which expresses all kinds of shirk (polytheism).

- The Prophet (pbuh) states the following:

“All prophets are paternal half-brothers; their mothers are different but their religion is the same.” (Hakim, 2/648)

This hadith is also included in Bukhari (with a shorter version).  

The meaning of it is as follows: The religions of the prophets (the issues of creed and principles of belief that form the basis of the religion) are the same but their shari’ahs are different. (see Ibn Hajar, 6/489)

As it is seen, the issues of creed are expressed as “religion” in the hadith and they are like a father for prophets. They are all sons of that father. That is, they teach the products of the same truth. Shari’as, i.e. the parts of the religion outside the principles of belief called furu’at are likened to mothers.

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