
Wajib means essential, necessary. The term wajib only exists in Hanafi madhhab (school of law). It is just like fard. They are the obligations that Allah wants us definitely to perform via His or our Prophet’s words. There are differences between fard and wajib. Firstly, there is a trace of doubt over the fact that those words belong to our Prophet or not and what exactly we are demanded to do. Because of these doubts, they are not exactly fard. Secondly, a person who denies wajib does not become  a disbeliever but he commits a sin. For example, sacrificing an animal is not a fard but it is a wajib. For, the Quran says. “ Therefore, turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice.” (al-Kawthar, 108:2) It is certain that sacrificing is an order from Allah but it is questionable how to sacrifice.

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