Reading Text: Allah protects a person who avoids Haram

During the sovereignty of Shahrukh of Timurid Empire, there lived a saint called Nimatullah Efendi, who was very careful about avoiding haram. The following incident that we will narrate proves the justification of his fame regarding the issue.  

Once, Sharukh says to Nimatullah Efendi, who comes to visit him, teasing.

“I hear that you eat from the things that are sent to you as gifts. However, it is possible that some of the gifts that are sent to you are things that are obtained unlawfully (haram). How do you eat those haram things?”

Nimatullah Efendi answers:

“We eat the halal parts; the haram parts will not come to us. Allah protects a person who avoids haram; He will not let him eat haram as long as that person is careful about avoiding haram.”

In order to disprove what Nimatullah Efendi says, Sharukh gives an order to his men secretly. They rush immediately and see a woman who is pasturing her only lamb outside the city. They frighten the woman by threatening to beat her and grab her lamb. They take the lamb to the palace.   

They slaughter the lamb and make kebab. They invite Nimatullah Efendi, who does not eat haram, to the feast.

Nimatullah Efendi accepts the invitation. The people in the palace wait impatiently for the result thinking that he will be embarrassed.

Shahrukh invites Nimatullah Efendi to the table. All of the people at the table eat the mutton heartily. Nimatullah Efendi eats it heartily, too; and he thanks Allah for His bounties.

Those who have eaten the lamb leave the table, wash their hands, sit on the sofas and wait to see what will happen; meanwhile, Sharukh speaks smilingly:

“Efendi, you said, ‘Allah protects a person who avoids haram from eating haram’. You have just eaten haram. Allah has not protected you. What will you say now?” He said,

“I have not eaten haram. What I ate was halal. You ate haram.” Sahrukh said,

“How come is it possible? My men grabbed the lamb that you have just eaten from a woman in the country. You ate the mutton from the lamb that was grabbed together with us. There is no way to explain it away.” Nimatullah Efendi said,

“I am not explaining it away. I am telling the truth. The lamb was halal for me and it was haram for you. If you do not believe me, find the woman from whom you grabbed the lamb and ask her.”

Shahrukh’s men rushed and found the woman from whom they grabbed the lamb and asked her why she was pasturing the lamb.

The woman, who was unaware of anything, said,

“They mentioned a great saint called Nimatullah Efendi, who was living somewhere near here. I was taking my lamb to him. However, you grabbed it from me. You grabbed his right. You ate haram.”

Nimatullah Efendi, who proved that Allah protected a person who avoided haram with this incident, died in Kirman during the sovereignty of Shahrukh. His tomb is in Mahan. May Allah have mercy on him.

(Ahmed Şahin, Bir Oku Bin Düşün)

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