Prayer and Music
Is it permissible to pray while music is being played downstairs?
There is no obstacle for the validity of prayer where there is a noise like music either upstairs or downstairs. However, this diminishes the thawab (reward) of the prayer to the degree that it distracts the concentration. For, Allah (SWT) says "Establish regular prayer for celebrating My praise." (Taha, 20/14). The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ordered us not to offer prayers sleepily since praying consciously is not possible during prayer when one is sleepy. In a sense, the prayer is communication with Almighty Allah and talking with Him. It is necessary to avoid anything that disconnects or weakens this contact and to worship as if seeing Him.
However, if other people make noise and prevent the praying person from concentrating in prayer, the responsibility will belong to the noisemaker but not to the praying one.
- Performing Prayers Quickly
- The Prophet Enters Madinah
- Is there any evidence about performing prayers five times a day? Did the Prophet perform prayers three times a day?
- Does noisy music coming from a loudspeaker invalidates the prayer?
- Can the people on one floor of a building follow the prayer performed in congregation upstairs? The imam uses a microphone to make his voice heard.
- It is said that there is no qada (missed) prayer in the Quran and hence there is no prayer called qada prayer. Is it true? Will you explain it with fiqh evidences?
- Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (r.a.)
- I have heard that the noon prayer can be performed within the first twenty minutes after the afternoon adhan is called. Is it true?
- The Prayer- The Importance of Prayer
- Will you give information about establishing regular prayers (being steadfast in prayer)?