The Polytheists Feel too Weak to do Anything When they are Challenged by the Quran.

Weakness when faced by the challenge of the Quran

The Polytheists Feel too Weak to do Anything When they are Challenged by the Quran

In the age when the Quran was sent down, Arabs were at the peak of rhetoric, that is, the art of speaking. Poetry and literature were so much in demand that competitions were held every year and the poem that came first was written in gold and hung on the wall of the Kaaba. The Quran was sent down in such an age; it challenged all geniuses of literature and rhetoric in 8 levels.

Before moving to the issue of challenging at 8 levels, we are looking for an answer to the following question: If somebody claimed, "Nobody can lift this stone" and if you wanted to refute this person, would you try to lift that stone or would you try to fight that person? Suppose that this person had supporters. If you chose to fight, you would face a lot of dangers and risk your property and life. Would you choose to fight, which is the long and tiring way, when it was possible to refute his claim by lifting the stone that he claimed to be "impossible to lift"? Nobody who is sane would prefer the second way.

Suppose that you saw that nobody preferred lifting the stone in order to refute his claim and everybody preferred fighting him although they received a lot of harms. They did not prefer lifting the stone, which is the easy way, despite the harms. If you saw this situation, you would probably say the claim of this person that nobody could lift this stone is right. For, if his enemies were able to lift the stone, they would prefer the easy way and refute his claim. They preferred the longer and harder way. It means the short way, lifting the stone, is impossible. 

Similarly, our Prophet (pbuh) made a claim. His claim was, "This Quran is the word of Allah." He challenged those who denied in 8 levels showing them ways of refuting his cause easily. This challenging in 8 levels is as follows:

The Prophet (pbuh) challenged through the verses of the Quran as follows:

1- If you have any doubts that this Quran is the word of Allah, that is, if you claim that I have written this book, find an illiterate person like me and make him write a book like this. If I have written this book, any illiterate person can also write it. Let him write it and bring it here.

When the polytheists could not answer this challenge, he challenged them in the 2nd level:

Since an illiterate person like me cannot write a book like this, find a person who can read and write. Let him be a scholar and a master of literature. Let him write a book like the Quran…

The writers and orators of that age had to keep silent when they were faced by this challenge; they could not write a book like the Quran. 

Then the challenge in the 3rd level by the Quran took place:

Since you could not write a book like that alone, come together, invite all of your writers and poets and make use of your previous books. You can even ask your deities that you rely on very much to help you in order to write a book like the Quran. 

The polytheists kept silent at this level, too and could not produce a book like the Quran. The Quran challenged them as follows in the 4th level:

Since you cannot produce a book similar to the Quran with all its properties, just bring a book that is similar to it in terms of rhetoric only and refute the cause of the Quran. 

The polytheists could not answer this challenge and they could not produce a book similar to the Quran in terms of rhetoric. 

Then, the Quran challenged them as follows in the 5th level:

Since you cannot produce a book similar to the Quran in terms of rhetoric, just produce a book similar to its rhetoric; the news it contains does not have to be true. It can contain false news. I will accept it if its rhetoric is similar…

When the polytheists kept silent due to this challenge, the Quran challenged them for the 6th time:   

If you cannot write a book like the Quran, write a book that will contain only 10 chapters like the chapters of the Quran.

When the polytheists could not write 10 chapters similar to the chapters of the Quran, the Quran challenged them for the 7th time as follows: 

Since you cannot write 10 chapters, write only one chapter similar to the chapters of the Quran and refute the cause of the Quran.

The polytheists could not do it, either; they could not produce even one chapter like the chapters of the Quran. Thereupon, the Quran challenged them for the 8th and last time:

You could not produce a long chapter. Then, produce a short chapter like the Quran at least. For, you can save your honor, dignity, religion, property and your world and the hereafter only by doing it. If you do not do it - in fact, you will not be able to do it - you will live dishonorably, dishonestly, irreligiously and in disgrace in this world and you will lose your lives and property. In the hereafter, you will be condemned to Hell and be the fuel of Hellfire together with your idols…

The polytheists could not answer this challenge of the Quran, either. They could not write a chapter similar to the Quran, which was the easier way, but they preferred to fight, which was the longer and more dangerous way, and lost their lives and property. However, if they had written a short chapter like one of the chapters of the Quran, they would have refuted the cause of the Quran and would not have had to fight. However, they preferred to fight. This shows that it is not possible to write something like the Quran. Then, the Quran cannot be the work of a human being. An illiterate person can never write something like the Quran.

At this state, the following question can come to the mind: How do we know that the polytheists could not write a book similar to the Quran when they were faced by the challenge of the Quran in 8 levels. Maybe they wrote something.

Our answer to this question is as follows: If they had written something similar to a chapter of the Quran, it would definitely have been very famous and the people who wanted to refute the cause of the Quran would have supported it. They published everything that they thought to be against Islam; they would have definitely published something like that and it would have been included in history books. If you search all of the history books, you will not be able to find a book even a chapter like the Quran. This proves that the genius writers and orators of that age could not write a book similar to the Quran.

One writer expressed their inability as follows: "They could not oppose it using letters; so, they had to oppose it using swords."

This challenge of the Quran in 8 levels, the inability of the polytheists to answer this challenge and their preference to follow the long and dangerous way, which was war, instead of the short way, which was writing a few lines, proves that the Quran is the word of Allah.

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