How is killing a person treated in Islam?
To kill a person under some unjust pretexts is such a great and terrible sin before Allah that to kill one person is like to kill the whole mankind. Our Lord regards unjust killing like that and says the following in the Quran: "whoever slays a soul, unless it be for manslaughter or for mischief in the land, it is as though he slew all men; and whoever keeps it alive, it is as though he kept alive all men" (al-Maeda/The Food, 32) The biggest sin on earth is shirk (idol-worship, to associate anyone or anything with Allah). And the second biggest sin is killing an innocent person.
To kill a person under some unjust pretexts is such a great and terrible sin before Allah that to kill one person is like to kill the whole mankind.
Our Lord regards unjust killing like that and says the following in the Quran:
"whoever slays a soul, unless it be for manslaughter or for mischief in the land, it is as though he slew all men; and whoever keeps it alive, it is as though he kept alive all men" (al-Maeda/The Food, 32)
So, our Lord does not want even one innocent person to be killed unjustly and does not regard it as a small sin or a slight incident. He tells in another verse:
"If a man kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, to abide therein (for ever)" (an-Nisa/Women, 93)
So the punishment for killing a believer is presents a different situation; the punishment for it is the eternal punishment peculiar to unbelievers. "For Allah, killing a believer is worse than destroying all the earth." (Nasai, Tahrim 2, (7, 83))
So, for Allah, a believer is more valuable than the earth and everything in it. So how dare someone kill a beloved and great being unjustly, prevent him from observing the universe to draw lessons and with contemplation and destroy the building of Allah?
Let us explain it through a hadith. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) says:
"If all the beings on the earth and in the skies come together to kill a believing person, Allah puts every one of them to Hell in order to protect that one innocent believers right" (Tirmizi, Diyat 8, (1398))
The large number of the unjust people against the only just does not change the result. So how can a person put himself into the place of an attorney general, judge and executioner at the same time and kill a believer?
If the killer is a relative or some close person to the one he killed, he loses his heritage rights because of killing him. He cannot receive the inheritance of the person he has killed. Therefore, the killer of his own mother or father he loses all of his heritage rights because of the murder he committed.
Islam sees the killer and the person encouraging murdering as a terrible and great sinner too. The warning of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) about those who pave the way for the murder and aid the murderer is as follows:
"- If a man helps to kill a Muslim with only one word, this is written on his forehead in the afterlife:
- This man is hopeless of Allahs mercy"
So, a Muslim can not consider killing an innocent person as jihad (holy war in the cause of Allah and His command). He cannot dare to commit such a dreadful sin illegally.
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